Make Us Gods Already

I can see where OP is coming from. I mean during the Death Knight story in Legion. We literally raise the Horsemen with the same power level as the freaking Lich King himself.

I mean hell for our mount questline, we literally choke out full on red dragon for wasting our time.

Speaking of, I’m preeeeetty sure Alextrasza might still be mad at me about that.

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I was about to like this :stuck_out_tongue:

We don’t kill a lot of bosses though. Lore characters do.

Varian killed Onyxia
Maiev took down Illidan
The Titan Watchers take out Yogg Saron
Tirion Fordring broke Frostmourne, and the souls trapped inside took out Arthas
Thrall kills Death Wing
Khadgar and Yrel take out the Iron Horde
We’re imbued with the power of the Titan Pantheon in order to take down Argus.
Wrathion and MOM take out N’Zoth.

Almost everything else we either had help with, or were imbued with other people’s power in order to do it.

We; by ourselves; aren’t anything special. Maybe we’re above average when it comes to our power/strength, but for the most part, other people do our dirty work for us.


Ugh I miss just being a dumb brave adventurer.


These are just stolen kills. Sure we might have only gotten credit for the assist but we did 99% of the damage.

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Not in the lore we didn’t. We were just kind of there. We helped a bit, but in the lore, the major characters were the ones that actually put the work in.

Well since in SL souls collect anima as the go through life maybe our characters have accumulated a crazy amount so we keep getting more powerful.

I don’t think God uses whips and safety words.

You dare kink shame God?

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I thought we already are gods…
We can’t die permanently,
We have killed other gods.
We wield immense power.
And I look like a god.

There’s nothing like besting the burning legion and then getting killed by a crocodile in the next xp.

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Nope. We’re just really powerful heroes with Godly or Legendary items that enabled us to perform those feats with the help of 9-39 other heroic champions.

Completely unrelated to this thread, but my biggest hope with patch 9.1 is that it adds Odyn and the Halls of Valor to Shadowlands. He’s just such an interesting character and he’s entrenched himself deeply into the lore in a natural way even though he’s a relatively new character.


Yep, that’s Mom for ya.

Only if we get to put him down before he does something else selfish and creates another Helya.

You can keep your godhood. I’m just a panda that blows things up that she’s pointed at.

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Who would win a fight? One eldritch horror squid that cannot be fathomed? Or one stubby gnome girl with a necklace?