This is a necessary change at this point and there’s really no excuse for it to not be. Darkglare and Infernal are both instant goes, it’s time to add Tyrant to that list.
With the amount of GCDs we have to cast to get our minions out to maximize Tyrant, only for some of those minions to disappear because of said GCDs, it’s becoming more and more clear that the only answer really is instant Tyrant. It doesn’t need any tuning changes either as imps are capped at 15 anyway. This is entirely a QoL request and this should have been done years ago. Demo will genuinely feel so much better with this one simple change.
Can we also change the tyrant’s demo fire spell to be instant, with a CD equal to its current cast time?
This would allow him to pursue targets and cast instantly rather than constantly interrupting himself to move and losing massive damage.
It would really help demo in PvP
This would be nice, an instant Tyrant that immediately does it’s first attack would be an awesome burst addition too!
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We should also have shadowfury reverted back to be an instant cast.
Even better, get rid of it. It sucks having to base everything around snap-shotting Tyrant.
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What would you replace our burst window with?
I only don’t want that cause I want a Meta themed tank spec, but would happily take it as a demo burst window CD. Would love some void-themed transformation tho, make the form more voidlord or voidwraith sort of deal. Need more void theming in the game outside shadow priest.
Or, call it Dark Apotheosis if the term Meta steps on toes
i am pretty disgusted at the demo rework, at least they brought back 100% demon core on hounds though.
The guaranteed core procs made such a big improvement in playstyle. I also like the Tyrant setup, it feels satisfying when you pull off a big one. It would be nice if it were instant cast though.
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Not having one. Packing everything into one snapshot every couple minutes is such an old design.
All they really need to do now is shorten Vilefiend’s cooldown by 5 seconds and shorten the cast time of Tyrant.
I disagree, a big go button that you build up to adds nice depth to the gameplay loop.
Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, BLAST EVERY CD NOW OR YOU SUCK, spam, spam spam, spam
As opposed to any other class in the game? The depth is you’re punished if you don’t do the spam correctly and you have to pay attention to timers to line up your goes correctly. If you take that away, it’s just spam spam spam. Wow such fun.
I really agree. Playing Demo, one of the things that bothered me the most were the absolute perfect timing you need to have with your demons and Tyrant, which is really difficult because we need to move so often that if you do, you may hijack a vilefiend or dreadstalkers by one global.
Making it instant would be a huge QoL on how the play feels.
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Honestly, the problem with demo is its massive ramp time, its zero leeway for error, and its absolute weakness to mobility. Plain and simple.
Making dogs have a shorter cd isnt going to fix it.
Making tyrant have this or that isnt really going to fix it.
At best all they do increase its dmg a little. In reality, the spec still has the same problems.
To fix the spec, major changes are needed. Spells and demon calls need to be insta casts. How tyrant works needs to be modified so there isnt this huge ramp time.
This isnt going to happen anytime soon, or ever.
Do you not play other classes? or even Warlock specs besides Demo?
The rest of us don’t have to play like we’re Swifty 11+ years ago.
I think that’s kind of the problem. Pretty much every class is “do a general rotation, burst every X minutes with all your cooldowns”. Kind of makes everything samey.
Burst classes are great and all, but there’s no real sustained class that does consistent damage through a complex rotation. Not even Aff, the OG rot spec, does that anymore
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This post is specifically about a pain point with modern class design about demo lock, not the perceived flaws with overall class design philosophy or whether or not burst style gameplay is good. I didn’t make this post to talk about every class. Let’s stay on topic regarding instant cast tyrant and how it will easily solve an issue without a major overhaul.