Make tier available to the people who have been getting unlucky in vaults and raid already

At absolute WORST they could’ve given you the option to spend the coins for “forfeiting” your vault on a charge of the catalyst early. You get what? 6 coins from completing the M+ row? Have it cost 6 coins.

It’s still a “bad” option, but Blizzard seems absolutely against giving it away “for free” at a decent time.


and to me I see a system that they’ve created to get people to gobble up wow tokens with real life money so they can buy crafted gear.

You must not care about being competitive. That’s fine, but don’t get in the way of those who are. Tier is essential if you want to be competitive. If you don’t, then why do you care either way?

I didn’t know being rank 1 in the world isn’t competitive.

Why are you looking at a tank for output? Go through dps and check the same thing for specs with population > 10 parses.

Whats so bad about providing easy access to low ilvl tier early in the season? Is ilvl progression not good enough?

The creation catalyst is coming for just that reason

Congrats, now do the rank 1 of every class. If the majority of them have no tier then I’ll concede.

Yes, but coming this late is ridiculous. The timing of it is the point of the topic. There is no downside to providing low item level tier sets of LFR/normal quality very early in the tier and allowing ilvl to be the progression system.

On the flip side, there are large problems with just gating tier sets needlessly behind layers of RNG. I’m complaining as a raider clearing 3 and soon 4 difficulties of raid to get tier. How do you think a m+/pvp player feels??? how many months of rng and time gatekeeping must they endure to get the tier set? People are actively gating content behind having this tier, and soon that gating will start expanding to levels that don’t even need it to complete. It’s toxic. I’m not excited to get tier I’m relieved.

It’s 2023. Give easy access to tier to all players within the first 3-4 weeks at maximum. Let item level carry the rpg progression load.


Your niece probably didn’t pay a monthly subscription for a trash game

If its such a trash game why are you paying for it and playing it?

You think this is impeccable?


You missed a whole morning of trolling… I think you missed the point here as well… Carry on.

Uh huh, sure

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If you were not here for the whole context, dont try to be here 4 hours later.

I can show up whenever I please. Everything’s already here, I’m not missing any context.

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Totally missing content and context… You are late to the show there pony… Move along.

Oh, true, all the context must be in all the hidden posts.

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All of this. 100%. And Blizz is shamelessly doing it to get an extra month’s worth of subs out of us, which makes it all so grimy.

No…but it was different when it was relevant. You are not… Good day.

They could just make tier sets for raiders only tbh