Make tier available to the people who have been getting unlucky in vaults and raid already

Catalyst was week 1 but only 1 charge. It was part of the 9.2.5 that essentially saved the tail-end of an otherwise dead expac.

No, you are just wanting something faster in a game that seems to be basing their model around 6 months not your 6 weeks. Keep playing, find something else to do, it will happen if you keep at it.

I was being perfectly clear…

Because everyone is hyperaware of high end play. With those people dictating the pace of content consumption incidentally by having a bunch of contextual-lacking lemmings trying to parrot them.

Clearly not.

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Creation catalyst didn’t come until 8 weeks later in 9.2.

Pet Battles are SERIOUS

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Clearly your reading comprehension still sucks…

Clearly your wording and phrasing needs work. If what I said agreed with you then why even make a stink about it?


“This far?” It’s been what 3 weeks of a likely 20ish week (5 months) tier?

All the pushing happens at the end of the season too which is when it’s most important.

I do think when it unlocks it shouldn’t have charges at all. The charge system is dumb.

did you tell her to get gud scrub?

I have no 4 set and get in 20 keys. The number 1 Pally tank in the world has no tier.

Tier isn’t why people get declined.


Tier is why people ignore ur application if you’re doing 20s as dps. Tank tier isn’t essential, but dps tier sure is for a lot of classes.

Jeff bezos never has account overdrafts either.

CC isnt yes men, its just GD but in orange; which is why its been an afterthought.

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Because my wording and punctuation was impeccable and you for some reason acted as though you misread. I was compelled to point out your flaw.

they want casuals and or solo players to “get in there” and raid and do end game content. what do they do to remedy this? release a catalyst that will help them obtain tier sets to better enable them to compete and get groups pretty much a few weeks before new patch lol.

they want casuals and or solo players to “get in there” and try normal and heroic and hell even mythic content eventually. what do they do to remedy this? they release the final wing of raid finder after 75% of the playerbase are aotc and 50% mythic cleared.

i personally dont have a problem with this. with that being said, it is however a problem. the easiest modes should always be released 1st before everything to help solo and or casual and or newish players “get in there”. maybe then they would be more inclined to try.

I stopped reading since you started a sentence with because.

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Nope, it’s just io. I main rogue, have 3 tier pieces. Get in keys all the time.

I’m just gonna say 75% of the participating raid pop never gets aotc ever. Like think 20ish.

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