6 weeks in a 6+ month long season isn’t that big of a deal. Tier sets are not as impactful as they were in SL either. They made decisive moves to make it more about player power and not borrowed power.
It depends on the content you do. If you’re a casual or just raid-log and do random bs in between you probably don’t care too much.
If you’re trying to go hard on keys and you keep getting gated behind a PURELY RNG system…You’re pretty unhappy.
I can’t count how many keys I’ve done in the past where no one needed anything from the dungeon, we’re just trying to see how far we can go.
Pug’ing keys already has an insane fall-off on participation. Lower keys on alts don’t seem as bad but there’s a dead-zone around 11-15 where people are either looking for the 16+s and ignoring them, or too casual to be comfortable in this toxic dungeon set so they stick to single-digits.
The fall-off on participation this season already feels like month 2 of SL, which is a shame considering the rest of the expansion is SOOOOO much better than SL.
Why are you are quoting me… You are saying the same thing I am saying.
6 weeks of bad rng is a nightmare in a game like this.
It was an 8 week delay for the creation catalyst. And they understood your frustrations of waiting by taking off 2 weeks. /s
Spend less time trying to tell people doing 20s that they’re wrong and more time figuring out why your entire list is single digits. ty
so just open up the engine and have everyone running in tier and one shotting every difficulty of raid / high keys and then watch everyone complain they are now bored / more people selling runs?
the engine should never have been a thing, wow went what 8.75 xpacs without this problem but as soon as its a thing and makes it so much easier and babying people , gotta have it
Maybe you should be more clear.
That’s what i’m running into on my rogue atm.
Catalyst was week 1 but only 1 charge. It was part of the 9.2.5 that essentially saved the tail-end of an otherwise dead expac.
No, you are just wanting something faster in a game that seems to be basing their model around 6 months not your 6 weeks. Keep playing, find something else to do, it will happen if you keep at it.
I was being perfectly clear…
Because everyone is hyperaware of high end play. With those people dictating the pace of content consumption incidentally by having a bunch of contextual-lacking lemmings trying to parrot them.
Clearly not.
Creation catalyst didn’t come until 8 weeks later in 9.2.
Pet Battles are SERIOUS
Clearly your reading comprehension still sucks…
Clearly your wording and phrasing needs work. If what I said agreed with you then why even make a stink about it?
“This far?” It’s been what 3 weeks of a likely 20ish week (5 months) tier?
All the pushing happens at the end of the season too which is when it’s most important.
I do think when it unlocks it shouldn’t have charges at all. The charge system is dumb.
did you tell her to get gud scrub?