Make the Orcs at Stonewatch friendly to Horde

The Orcs at Stonewatch Keep are hostile to horde for no reason. It would make faction interactions much richer if they were friendly to horde players

What even is this? No.

Yes it would make things way better

Not all the orc clans joined the Horde. Go back to Thunderbluff and keep smoking my friend


They cant even tell what clan i am from and attack me

By that logic Defias should be friendly to everyone in the Alliance.

You’re a rogue. Stealth away.

No the defias hate stormwind.

Orcs love orgrimmar.

I am helping the orcs in redridge, they should apprecaie it

The orcs in Stormwatch keep do not love Orgrimmar. They are the same orcs that you find in Blackrock Spire and the surrounding zones that had enslaved the Red Dragonflight.

Thrall’s “New Horde” orcs are completely different than these orcs.

About twenty years prior to the events of Lich King, the villainous Deathwing, once a fellow Dragon Aspect named Neltharion, manipulated the Dragonmaw Clan, a group of orcs, to use a magical artifact known as the Dragon Soul to capture and enslave Alextrasza in the mountain fortress of Grim Batol.

It’s these guys that you find in Redridge mountain. Look at the surrounding high level zones.

Those are blackrock orcs my good fellow. They are friends to no one.

That is because the orcs help build Orgrimmar while the Defias were refused their chance to ever help to build Stormwind.

Play WarCraft 1. I played that game so many years ago when it first came out back when you had to do all this stuff about opening MS DOS. And then had to type Warcaft in and do all these steps and had to have the disk in. But you play that game, go to the dungeons there and there are lots of Brigands in the dungeons. Those Brigands I think may have been the first ever rogues and also probably were the first rogues in Warcraft. Just a theory that I have had for a very long while but it would make sense. So… the brigands are the first ever rogues? Possibly. And then the brigands later became the Defias? Almost certainly.

But you want to think of it this way… what if everyone of the Defias joined the Alliance and every single orc tribe that did not join the Horde, joined the Horde now…now who is the stronger faction? Horde would be.

The Forsaken who have joined the Horde already are a lot more evil than any of those orc NPCs that have not joined the Horde are. No reason from a lore sense as to why every single orc out there cannot join the Horde at this point. Then might as well have the ogres come in too.

WAT?!? The whole point is that the stonemason’s that rebuilt Stormwind were kicked out by the nobility because they didn’t want to pay them, money troubles you know how it do when rebuilding a capitol city, thus formed a banditry in an attempt to overthrow Stormwinds leadership.

If you believe the wowpedia article they were even the cause of the accidental death of the queen.

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shut up!!!

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You mean aside from consent/willingness to join? I suppose not…

Oh they most certainly can, you’re skin is the wrong shade of green.

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When suggesting ideas remember to follow the flow chart: Will this directly benefit ret pallyes? → No? → They won’t do it.

I agree with this change and it should be implemented ASAP. It is honestly game breaking.

No joke, those are Blackhand’s boys. Stand well back or get crumped.

I agree with this change. Let’s make Blackrock Orcs part of the Horde. As a result, Horde players will no longer be able to run and complete LBRS and UBRS. In addition, Horde players will no longer be able to run BWL because they can no longer attune.

Uh…the Defias are the ones that rebuilt Stormwind. They aren’t mad that they didn’t get to rebuild the city, they’re mad that they didn’t get paid for rebuilding the city

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There’s just fundamental misunderstanding of the lore here.

In Warcraft 1 and 2, the orcs were fundamentally the bad guys. You were playing as the “old horde” They were still infected by the demon blood.

WC3 is the first time you control Thrall’s New Horde.

As for the Undead - I do agree that they are the only group in the horde that could justifiably be considered fundamentally evil because their ultimate goal is tied to seeking revenge. However, they sell themselves to the horde as refugees, and the Horde benefits from accepting them because it gives them a stronghold in the Eastern Kingdoms.

The Blackrock/Dragonmaw (evil) orcs have no interest in joining Thrall’s new horde. I don’t know if the corruption of the demon blood still infects them or not, but either way they are choosing a fundamentally different path and are still seeking power to dominate others rather than wanting to live in harmony with them. Some of this is due to influence by the black dragonflight, which had become corrupted before the time of Vanilla and stays that way for many expansions (I think).

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