Pretty much in title. You guys can disagree that’s okay but why join a bg or dungeon if you are going leave instead of helping people out. And if you have somewhere to be then maybe you shouldn’t do a dungeon or bg.
Well…i joined a bg, there people literally not doing anything but exactly the opposite of the strat the grp decided on. Then, there people in that same raid, blaming healers for the loss while not one of us got any peels from the complainers. Not one. It was a mess. Was it worth me sticking it out in a BG known for being a half and hour sometimes, or just leave and go pick herbs for 15 minutes? Personally, i dont feel obligated to stick around and be forced to deal with the stupidity and verbal abuse. I left.
Turn off instance chat then or just ignore them. With social contract also this behavior if blizzard actually isn’t doing a PR stunt is no longer tolerable.
BGs is one thing, expect to have a worse case scenario team
But raids, that’s what happens when you do LFR
Either deal with the stupidity or suffer the consequences of leaving
Where the post go??? The person we quoted???
That’s really weird what the heck.
Disconnects happen. Life happens. I don’t think it’s fair that those people should be punished as such.
Not everybody who leaves an instance is out to get the group and ruin things.
Yeah really odd might be a forum glitch. Anyways topic on hand I don’t think people think they are wasting other peoples time as well and causing a guarantee loss. This is a serious issue in random bgs what I propose is a hour long debuff because then they actually will realize maybe that you shouldn’t just up in leave.
The other side of coin I really do see this point.
Life can happen.
Some people have kids or partners or pets.
You might get an unexpected but important phone call.
Your internet connection might go out for a few minutes if you have a “great” service like Comcast so by the time you reconnect you’ve been kicked out of the BG.
Some people work on-call jobs and have to drop everything at a moments notice.
Your house could catch fire or if you’re in CA you’re entire state or if you’re in AUS the entire country!
Maybe your BG team is full of jerks or trolls and it’s easier to just leave a bad group instead of trying to report half the team.
The debuff is long enough imo.
A counterpoint to this is I ignore them. For example guy was calling us all losers in a random bg because we were not winning. But thing is he stuck through meanwhile another person stood for entire bg then 30 secs he said lol and just left. Granted it was only 30 secs I can use another teammate saying it’s flat out annoying when players leave simply because they are losing even if the team chat has no instance talk at all.I am not going refute life comes up where the flaw in my argument really comes up however I do think if something in life comes up that’s more important then a video game they can accept the 1 hour debuff.
Counterpoint to that, a team of 5 queue together and get put in your AB or WSG on your team.
They decide to troll and annoy your team the entire time.
Their sole purpose is to make you lose as slowly as possible.
You leave and are put in a 1 hour timeout because you got trolled.
Damn I can’t really think of anything counter that. Good point actually thank you I got some stuff to think about.
I think everyone should get a pass on the first one. Life happens, kids happen, work intrudes. Just scale it so it gets longer and longer every time, and doesn’t reset until Tuesday maintenance.
3 hours is a better number
24 hours if you ruin a key
Deserter Debuff should be removed not lengthened. The game should not attempt to coerce players into staying in group content they want to leave.
Blizzard can design group content around players being able to drop off when they want. It would not be that difficult.
Generally, people only leave bad groups (or losing BGs, in your case) - they don’t usually leave good groups
If people are leaving so much from your BGs, we can only make guesses without additional information:
- it could be that you’re undergeared/dragging down the team
- it could be that you’re geared, but your teammates are undergeared
- it could be that you’re goofing off and not focusing objectives
- it could be that your teammates are goofing off/not playing objectives
- it could be that you’re road-fighting and not focusing objectives
- it could be that your damage is low
- it could be that your team’s/teammate’s damage is low
- it could be bad team comp (team A got 0 healers to team B’s 3 healers)
- it could be getting unlucky with an imbalanced/rigged map (ex: Wintergrasp offense)
- etc etc
It could be a lot of things… again, absent any information to go off of (you didn’t provide much) we can only guess why “leavers” are such a frequent issue for you.
That’s a fair point maybe the issue is me. However we are a team after all but yeah maybe I am going stick to PvE until I can get better geared I guess. I usually don’t talk much in bgs either I try focus on objectives
His is the dumbest comment I have ever seen. On any forum ever. You should log out and never come back
People have limited time to play, and while sure kindness is great not everyone either has the ability or aptitude to teach, and want to get what they were hoping for since no one joins dungeons for lols and usually would want gear or xp. and if your group is showing it will go badly…yeah makes sense to bail