Make the Alliance Evil for once

One cherry picked quote lifted out context and claimed to say something it doesn’t say won’t work.

That the complaint is minor (or at least to a non-Pandaren, which was probably the point of it) says nothing about not being held against one’s willl. Meanwhile, a claim that they were free to leave all along is not consistent with them asking you to get them out of there and thanking you telling them that they can now leave. Nor does you version fit with the over dialog of the quest giver…

They were surround by guards. The quest giver made it clear it was about them being held against their will. That is how blizzard does things. That Blizzard didn’t bother with a detail doesn’t come close to negating all the stuff they did put in.

And Blizzard presents things like this all the time. You have to “rescue” someone. You go up to an NPC just standing there and tell they should run away, and they do. Everyone understands (at least those who are willing to see) that they were “rescued”. Blizzard doesn’t like to waste effort belaboring the obvious and here the obvious is that they were not free to leave.

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Lordaeron is gone that was the point of Warcraft 3.

It isn’t out of context, we’re discussing that very thing, that it was related to when people left. And it isn’t cherry picked because I gave several quotes that were milquetoast.

If someone is complaining they couldn’t get a beer and nothing else, really doesn’t speak to being held against one’s will. And this is compounded by their ability to leave when told they can leave. And by the fact they’re labeled as volunteers.

And we never see this. So you can assume that if you want. As I said, you’re free to your interpretation. But to pretend it is proven isn’t true. Much like you interpret volunteer to be a euphemism.

Again, we don’t require these assumptions in the mirrored quest. And I think that’s telling.

The quest dialog and all the other quotes in the quest are the context. To quote just that one quote with all that is to take it out of context.

And I have already pointed out how they don’t aren contradict that context, let along negate it.

It wasn’t “noting else”. It only appears that way because you lifted it out of context.

You even lifted part of my reply out of context. The only one assuming somethings is you. You are trying to change the quest into something that doesn’t make sense based on Blizzard not doing something that don’t do all the time.

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And yours is a hollow one.

I feel like there’s an alternate universe where MoP remained primarily a story about two factions bringing their war to the lands of an uninvolved third party, where it’s explored that though the Alliance and Horde take different approaches in utilizing the resources of the lands they’re on (the Horde takes directly, smash and grab - the Alliance uses insidious ‘friendly’ insistence that the locals ‘help’) the end result is the same. Resources and manpower being diverted to a war that the Panderans have no business being involved in.

Ultimately MoP became a story about how awful Garrosh is, but those early seeds in those mirrored quests could have born fruit. Oh well.


It’s difficult to think of a better alternative, but the real issue is, no matter what alternative may have been come up with, I think the end result would’ve been the same; a rapid spiral into atrocities.

For example, what if the Alliance decided to split the Orcs up and give them land to settle in small villages, with the intent of preventing them from organizing into a sizable enough force to pose a threat, but allowing them to live not as prisoners, but as a people?

I imagine it would’ve gone as follows.

The land given to them would’ve been the worst land there was, probably blasted and damaged by the Horde during the Second War. The orcs would’ve starved, with naught but tainted water to drink. Plagues would weaken and decimate them, and they’d be plagued by, ‘Bounty Hunters,’ sweeping into their villages and killing at random for no reason other than the sick demented pleasure of people taking out their hatred on the Orcs. The Alliance would’ve turned a blind eye to this for the same reasons the internment camps were ignored: a lack of money. Of course they’d find the money real fast the moment Orcs start moving around without permission and forming larger villages for safety. That money would be for soldiers to go and force them to separate into small settlements again, and probably publicly execute whoever organized those relocations.


I mean, before the Sundering - The Barrens actually use to be as lush central wilds, most commonly known as:


Source: Chronicles: Volume 1, page 95

  • Given Thunder-Ridge in Durotar use to have dense-forests (Until it was razed by the Burning Blade Clan that served under the Burning Legion) it wouldn’t be too far fetched to extend that towards the Durotar region too.

You could probably touch base on that lore of Then’ralore, and suggest the uprooting of the planted Draenor wildlife also caused various deep-slumbered magical plant life to arise — Reviving thought-to-be-extinct plantlife, and magical flora that which is both revered & coveted by Highborne elves, Nightborne and even the elves of Quel’Thalas.

Reveal much to their surprise, some of these flora had also intermixed & created dangerous carnivorous plantlife and their magical properties had awoken some powerful shackled elements from their imprisonment from the titans long-ago …

Have the lesser (yet still volatile) beings in Durotar:

  • Reflecting a new dawn for the trials of the orcs. That which gives homage to the trials their people endured in the days of old, amongst the wilds of Gorgrond & Tanaan Jungle – Yet intermixed with Azeroth, giving them a reminder of their new home.
  • Have invading forces come into Durotar, now wanting to claim the renewed, enrichened land for their own.
  • As above, those who we have to slay to defend our homeland - Such as renegade elves (Orcs slaying Elves? You know you want to), Centuar, Quillbore, the introduced Botani and small pockets of the Naga.

Have the greater (and a few amongst them good & wise) beings in the Barrens:

  • Have some greater wise-elementals who are friendly, whom use to hear the calling & prayers of the orc people to the elements – although unable to directly intervene, was able to answer their prayers with small tokens of appreciation. These elementals can provide quests.
  • Threats such as those seen in Durotar on a larger scale & more frequently seen throughout the regions.
  • A lightly glowing wellspring lake, imbued with immensely great power, with magical flora incircling around it – Upon further study revealing they’re similar energies to that of the original Well of Eternity. Such of which arises dissension between the factions of the region.
  • The newfound magical flora allowed many rituals to come to fruition, allowing portals to interlink many far various places to the location for either their advance to conquer, find a home or research. These present enemies and allies alike: Ethereal, Mogu, Tolvir who seek their own goals and the Arakkoa who seek to help us in return for a home.

You don’t need to “Find a better place that is actually good” – If you have the right lore, themes and story to progress the current one. :slight_smile:

I agree that some sort of camp was inevitable, but their actions after that don’t really cry out “good intentions”.

The first step would have been to find out why that had become so lethargic. Once they understood how they had changed they might have, for example, shipped them off to Kalimdor.


Regarding the camps to contain orcs, I believe that people end up wrongly associating them with real-life camps, which is why this event in the history of WoW is seen with such a bad eye.

The camps were necessary, as at the time the orcs were extremely violent and bloodthirsty, due to the influence of demonic blood. However, over time the Alliance became negligent and corrupt figures took this opportunity to distort the purpose of these camps for their own purposes.


Or the Alliance would have tried to treat them fairly enough as long as they fought on their side. I mean, the Alliance has warlocks/demon hunters/dark irons/blood elves/death knights/Man’ari walking its streets. If anything the Alliance had little reason to give the orcs reason enough to go back to war.

We already have those. We call them Male Human Paladins. Cant throw a rock in a RP realm without hitting a few.