Make the Alliance Evil for once

For too long the Horde have cornered the market on War Crimes, Genocide and general Evilness.
Make the Alliance the aggressor. Make the Alliance do somethin so disgusting, reprehensible, disturbing that Horde players can point to it and go "Yeah we’re bad, but the Alliance did (unspeakable thing here).

For all the new people or PVP junkies. Here’s a brief, incomplete history of the Horde.

Orcs on Draenor:
Drink Demon Blood. Commit Genocide against Draenei at Shatrath and what would become the Black Temple along with several villages. Later the Orcish Horde would use the skeletons of their victims to build the Path of Glory on Draenor (Outland) that lead to the Dark Portal.

Orcs on Azeroth:
Demon blood addicted Orcs invade Azeroth Eastern Kingdoms. They proceed to murder, pillage, plunder, rape and violate their way through Stormwinds outer villages and Stormwind itself. Basically Warcraft 1


Our friends the Trolls:
Eating, murdering, sacrificing Humans and High Elves (Later to become Blood Elves). They also do the same to each other, so there is that.

Flash Forward to the (and I use the word NEW in the loosest possible terms) New Horde:

The Horde under Thrall had slavery. Varian and Valeera Sanguinar were enslaved arena fighters.

During the Northrend Campaign to defeat Arthas (The Lich King):
At the Broken Front Gate. The Alliance assualted the undead forces and were ambushed by the Horde from behind. Instead of assisting the Alliance to secure the gate, the Horde killed the Alliance soldiers, giving Arthas more undead for his forces.
Battle of Angrathar, Putriss murdered both Horde and Alliance champions with the Plague while they assaulted the gate. Putriss was the Undeads chief apothecary and plague expert. Varimathras was blamed by Sylvanas as betraying her and the Horde and instigating the whole affair via Putriss. Later we would go on to learn that the Jailer and Sire Denathrius were responsible for the planning of it. The same Jailer that Sylvanas would go onto serve.

Warchief Garrosh Hellscream ordered the annihilation via Arcane Bombing of Theramore. A city governed by Jaina Proudmore, the same Jaina that pioneered peace with the Horde under Thrall.

The Horde would also invade Gilneas and murder the Heir to the Gilnean Throne amongst many others.

During the Mists of Pandaria: The Horde used Dalaran (a neutral city) as a hub to plan the infiltration of Darnassus to steal the Divine Bell. A misadventure that resulted in the rightful expulsion of Horde citizens and mages from Dalaran. It also ended with the attempted murder of Anduin Wrynn by Warchief Garrosh.

Finally, The Horde under Sylvanas burned a World Tree, Teldrassil. Resulting in the near exinction/genocide of the Night Elves and the extinction of several species found only on Teldrassil.

Now theres a whole books worth of other things, all of them involving murder or mass murder.

But, now you get the point.

The Horde has had the market on villainy for too long. Blizzard, give the Alliance a chance to show the Horde how it’s done!


I agree. And please don’t have it be a case of “they were corrupted!”. I’m tired of that cliche, it’s been done too many times. Same with being tricked or manipulated, or have some 4D Chess cosmic powers nonsense. Just let us have some edge and be the bad guys just because; no tragic villain, doesn’t have to be too deep. God knows there’s enough Alliance leaders with an axe to grind, so let them grind it.
Doesn’t even have to be a major one either–like Corporal Keeshan, or one of our new Eredar “allies”, or any number of night elves that lost everything in the fire, or the dwarves wanting to expand their borders, or an especially devious Pandaren Cao Cao figure, anything. Tyrande had her shot and blew it and the rest of the Alliance leaders are doing a whole lot of nothing–which to be fair, some of them already kinda fulfilled their character arcs and don’t really have anything left to do (Velen, Greymane, Tyrande/Malfurion).

Point is it does get a little old always being the faction that reacts to what the Horde does.


Salient points! No outside influnces BLIZZARD! Only good old fashioned RAGE and Hate!

Put the WAR back in WARcraft.


Bring the son of garithos to kill some elves


There is war in WarCraft. There’s always been war in Warcraft. Literally every single expansion in WoW is about at least one war and sometimes several wars happening at once.


While I don’t genuinely want an EVIL Alliance, I guess it’s once again time to suggest that the Alliance be given a Tywin Lannister like character, who, while honestly wanting a safe and prosperous Alliance, sees the only way to achieve that aim via the utter extermination of the Horde- and of course his own political supremacy over ‘the sadly naïve child in charge and his unfortunately idealistic allies’.

He wouldn’t even have to lie about his reasons, merely point out Blizzard’s constant laughable writing failures in regard to the Faction conflict in-universe. In other words, Sylvanas’ own logic from ‘A Good War’, but from the opposite side and actually true!


You are naive if you think Baine and Thrall would ever be agressive towards the alliance even if Orgrimmar or Thunderbluff would burn. They are too passive and peace loving.


How exactly are we going to do that after all the Horde has done? I don’t think it’s possible to have them do worse than what the Horde did in BfA


Destroying all of Mulgore not just the city would do that. Targeting the most passive and peaceful race in the game is the best way to accomplish this.

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Horde players on here complain and hate on the Tauren, specifically baine everyday. I seriously doubt any of you would care


So let’s have followers of the Light do a Deus Vult!, and an Alamut hashisheen sect with night elves who feel betrayed by everyone, even their own, and who will try to kill all the leaders. It’s not going to happen because now everything is happy happy joy joy and the war within will see alliance bff with the horde. For myself, I wish I could have a Jesse Ventura moment (from Predator) where he says “Payback time”.

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It’s crazy how basically nobody wants good writing they only want the other faction to suffer lol.

Still, if I had to choose between being evil or impotent, like the Alliance has been, I’d rather be evil, so if this is an opportunity for the Alliance to actually get SOME payback, even if they’re smeared for it in the meta sense that might be better than right now.


We are certain with a different leader the Tauren could be more then passive sidekicks for once. But Baine is iron on the notion to never fight in anything unless it is about saving Azeroth from the current big evil bad guy.


You want to be shamed by the NPCs on all sides for wearing a blue tabard? Try playing BFa from the Horde perspective I doubt you would like it if that ever happens.

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For a faction that has Void infused beings, Light zealots and now LITERAL demons it’s baffling to me that there isn’t a shred of outward ‘evil’ in the Alliance.

There have been plenty of opportunities for characters to go postal but Blizzard simply refuses to tarnish the theme of the golden boiz.

TBH I think the ship sailed long ago when they opted to make the Scarlet Crusade antagonistic to both factions instead of specific enemies for the Horde.


Yeah if it means not constantly forgiving the Horde for every transgression yeah. Although at this point there’s not much evil the Alliance could do that wouldn’t be justified considering what has happened to us.


I mean they could do this without the faction being evil.


I literally just gave you the best example to match that scale of evil. No other leader but Baine before or after Cataclysm ever told his own people that he would exile them if fighting against the alliance and told them too that they deserved to be attacked and massacred. Baine alone did that for the sake of compromise and peace. Alliance players should be glad he is always standing up for them otherwise the war would never end.

I can forgive literal demons that supported an intergalactic genocide(Eredar) but I draw the line of smelly savages(Trolls and Orcs) daring to be alive. Blizzard european centered logic.


Hard pass, the Alliance’s entire fantasy is being the defacto good guys. If you want to commit genocidal war crimes the Horde is waiting for you(and then they get their teeth kick in because the bad guys have always lost in WoW)

The point of having void infused beings is that no, looking evil does not make you evil. As for the demons, their entire shtick is REPENTANCE and actually trying to make up for their crimes.

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Eredar are the most evil race in the setting by far yet Velen pardons them like it was nothing. That also drops all grudges against the Orcs since they have the excuse of being manipulated by the Eredar who started the Burning Crusade to begin with. Your one sided hate on the Horde is not supported by the plot.