Make the Alliance Evil for once

Not quite, they’d have to do something like rampage through 3 horde zones, round up and execute every civilian they can find there, end it with a genocide, then set up death camps for the survivors and send the souls of all the innocents they slayed to wow hell where they’re tortured and obliterated.

I don’t think blizz could pull it off.


The death camps are not canon and were never released. Stay with the facts please. And yes Tauren genocide is about the most evil thing you can do which is why we can still raid Mauradon to this day and make them centaurs pay.

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You’re not still whining about the Amani troll “genocide” right? You do realize that blood elves have done worse to trolls than any human and yet you ignore that because you like blood elves lol.

no? the firestorm was summoned by 100 HUMAN mages. Humans are the greatest mortal enemy of most trolls on Azeroth.

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Not at all, humans had virtually no beef with trolls pre-troll wars, a war which they joined ON BEHALF of the high elves. The high elves had fought with them much more and made their home in a sacred site to the amani trolls and in much closer proximity. They have consistently been more aggressive and violent towards the trolls than humans ever have been.

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Gurubashi war?
Dun Morogh?
Zuldazar siege?

Literally all of these had less of an impact than the troll wars ontop of the fact that you’re not counting the constant conflict between the belves and trolls pre troll war.

doesn’t change the fact that the death toll at the final battle at Alterac was much larger then anything else before except Azshara or the Sundering. Stop defending humans you look ridiculos.

There’s nothing to defend they didn’t do anything wrong. Humans aren’t more immoral than blood elves for being more competent at killing trolls than they are.

Let me guess trolls deserve to die for defending their land and being smelly savages? Average racist bingo card.

But they don’t look evil.


You mean the large swathes of land they weren’t living on? They deserved to die for trying to force the humans off the continent and back to northrend instead of making peace. Which is not the same as the orcs in the first and second war who wanted wholesale extermination of humans (look into the orc ending of WC2)

Also this post goes more indepth

Why should they make peace with invaders? It was their land and their rules. Humans had the chance to leave and go west but they didn’t. Let me guess Night elves killing Orcs on sight for just cutting lumber was justified too? You alliance biased people argue all the same and your arguments are paper thin.

And yes I hate high elves for the same reason. They sided with the humans who betrayed the blood elves and mad ethe pact ages ago with training the human mages responsible for Amani genocide. Their alliance was forged in racism and conquest and no sugar coating of framing the Amani in a bad light will change this ever.

Because not making peace resulted in them getting absolutely BTFO, that’s why.

As for the night elves, they actually lived in Ashenvale and the “lumber” had spiritual significance to them, humans had basically no conflict with trolls pre-troll war, and there’s never been any implied spiritual significance of lordaeron to the trolls in the lore. The belves are admittedly harder to justify considering where they settled.

Same old arguments as always. There is no single nelf settlemetn where the warsong clan made their cmap. That is another fact you ignore,. but it is always justified for the alliance cuz we not savages and we good guys right?

But alast we reclaimed the majority of the Hinterlands thanks to the brave Revantusk tribe making a final stand against the Wildhammer clan. Hopefully Ghostlands will be liberated too in time.

First because there’s no indication the lands they took were actually still held by Trolls.

Second, because the Vrykul/humans were refugees fleeing their people’s baby killing policy.

Naw, also bad. Difference is the Night Elves got wise and stopped.

Do you think europeans should live in America?

They don’t. Read Exploring Azeroth. Attacks on the Barrens and Azshara are still happening.

It is an ugly double standard whenever civilized people stand vs those damm savages.(As Blizzard sees it and it needs to stop. Tolkien tropes have no place in times of modern writing with a diverse audience)

The majority of Kalimdor was unclaimed. This issue only shows up whenever Humans and elves expand their land to flex. Same reason for the Gurubashi war. Stormwind would be dead without Medivh Ex Machina.

That’s up to the Europeans and Americans. I don’t care.

I’m talking about during the Third War. They resumed, sure. At the time they stopped. And are still allied with humans. They resumed against Orcs because they do sus stuff.

They didn’t even seem to know about Kalimdor. That’s why it was unknown to most of the world till it was rediscovered during the third war.

Noted. Being on the side of humans makes you right by default. The total state of the Blizzard mindset when making new lore. Let that sink in and now guess why most Horde players are angry with Blizzard cuz they never get meaningful focus without being killed.

Naw, not what I indicated.