Make survival ranged

How am I trying to insult you? I haven’t said a single insult. If typing facts is insulting too you. I don’t know what to tell you lmao. The fact of the matter is, you are doing casual content and telling me ability’s that make a huge difference in both PVP and PVE have no use, when it’s simply not true.

Cool it’s your forum toon. Guess what I can just look at your achievement’s. Which is how I told you all of that. You don’t have achievements for 1550 in any PvP, you didn’t earn an achievement for doing a 10 or above, and you didn’t earn an achievement for the raid. This isn’t rocket science here… Or let me guess it’s also your alt account which has 20k achievement points lmfaooooooooo

Yes I literally went out of my way to check, because everything you say actually makes not even a small amount of sense. You are literally arguing about ability’s I use multiple times a raid, arena, or dungeon saying they have no use… Like what?


RSV was very strong for raiding. And even when it wasn’t the best, it was STILL the most represented hunter spec. Hell, most of its lifetime it was never top tier. It was always middle of the pack. But that didn’t change its representation at all. It severely outclassed both BM and MM in that, and most other classes as well. It was also very fluid. What are you on about?

I mean, if this is the card you are gonna play. Literally the first time it seems you actually raided was during WoD, or at least by your AotC’s. So you really don’t seem like you are in a good position to comment on how Survival was for raiding during MoP, Cataclysm or WotLK.

I wish Bepples would comment in this thread to spit some facts about its representation. Oh well, maybe they will. lol.


Listen, this is not your ‘change your mind’ forum.

I agree with the main poster and those that enjoy ranged survival. I also like melee survival as my offspec, but would never use it as my primary ever.

You have had Survival as you main spec for 5-6 years, it was my main spec for 5-6 years prior to that.

I do not want to play PvP, and personally I think that community got screwed hard. That is not something I will even debate. I mention PvP abilities because that is what they really are, I recognize them as such and less effective in PvE.

Again, this is an insult that shows your ignorance. I’m not even going to bother explaining since you are such a know it all, figure it out.

I made this account in the last 3 weeks of pandaria. You can even check achievements if you don’t believe me. The only reason why you mainly see from WoD on.

I can actively sit here and go through every single raid and tell you what the best hunter spec was if you like. I know for a fact SV only shined in BRF due to its set bonus.

Typically BM was always top dog. It was the best in Pandaria hands down, actually top 5 for majority of the expansion.

WoD was a mixed bag. It went back and fourth alot between the 3 specs each raid teir. However even then SV was only strong for BRF.

In cata BM and MM were both substantially better as well, outside of PVP. One of the reason’s BM was so strong during cata was because their pets could give out constant buffs making them ideal for raiding and dungeon content.

See the difference here? You call me out of something. I explain it in full detail. Versus this other person just spouts off random facts that aren’t facts… Like saying tar trap lasts 1 second when it lasts 30.

If they want to debate, they should at least get their facts straight first, before sounding like an imbecile.

How is it an insult? I have 24k myself.

It’s literally me proving something because you want to sit here and lie constantly. Lie about what ability’s do, lie about how good SV was in the past, lie about your skill level and it just being a forum poster.

Maybe if anything you said was an actual fact and I didn’t have to sit here and correct you every 5 seconds you wouldn’t feel so offended. That’s the world for you now a days though. Everything offends me ohh poor me… give me a break.

Facts don’t care about your feelings, sorry.

You miss my point. In fact, actively try and dodge what I said. I openly stated RSV was rarely top tier, in fact it was often middle of the pack. But it was still the most represented hunter spec for almost every tier. With an outlier here or there. But you seem to be of the mindset that “if it’s not top tier, it’s trash!”. /shrug.

There was a reason RSV was the most popular hunter spec and one of the most popular specs in the game. And contrary to what you seem to think, it wasn’t its raid or PvP performance. But people still enjoyed it enough to play it, even when it wasn’t the best spec. The only time when RSV’s popularity fell off hugely was the tail end of HFC, when its damage got deliberately gutted to being below tanks, in preparation of the Legion changes. And at that point, it just wasn’t viable at all, so naturally people swapped to BM or MM, or rerolled. Or quit.

Regardless. I just want my spec back as a fourth. I don’t want people who enjoy MSV to lose their spec. But again, most MSV fans seem so adamantly against that, when it wouldn’t affect them at all.

That said though, when a spec that was the most popular, is replaced with something so incredibly niche, and even stated as being “designed for non-hunters”(thus alienating the current community), it feels bad. And has done nothing but cause a huge rift in the community. A fourth spec would close that rift. Everyone would be happy.

It was and never has been the most represented though… In fact BM is actually in grand total the most represented class spec combination of all time in WoW. Partially because of how easy it was to learn.

In WoD, MM was the most played class/spec combo in the game specifically by a large margin. It was something like 12 percent of players were playing just that one spec. Which is also why when they changed it for Legion everyone was beyond confused. Why would you completely alter the most favored spec in the game at the current time.

I never said I had an issue with you wanting a ranged option though. Or the other person wanting a ranged option. Read through all of this dialog you will never see that from me.

What I have a problem with is someone generating a false narrative to push their own perspective when every fact they are using to back up their ideal’s is a complete lie, or ignorant of the truth. Which is what this other DH is doing.

Nah, just make survival a good melee spec.


Amen, brother.

I never lied about anything.

You are a newer player, so you lack the experience and history.

Tar Trap does not reduce movement sufficiently to be useful in PvE against Mob’s.

Harpoon does not make sense in a PvE environment, its just for fun.

Everything can be used situationally, and that is what you learn in PvP. PvE does work that way.

A lot of us liked the old survival hunter. Change our mind. You won’t.

A lot of us would like to play like that again.

Not attacking people who like melee. Keep it.

What do you not get?

You seem to think this game revolves around you.

It doesn’t.


I’ve only seen me. I haven’t seen another survival hunter in the world. And to be honest, to be able to tame special pets, BM is probably my favorite spec.

I really enjoyed survival in TBC. Nobody understood why I played it, but it was a lot of fun. I liked laying traps and leading stuff into it, and when I could get a player into it, WHOOP!

I can see how survival would be good in very specific situations, but there aren’t many of those situations around outside of PvP, and even there I think it’s much more situational than other classes and specs. It’s just a weird spec to play.

Yea i’m a newer player… I’ve literally been playing since classic and have downed more content then you will ever dream of even being apart of.

Tar trap is a 50 percent slow on every mob… It is used constantly in high M+ with hunter group’s. And into double melee teams in Arena you literally even take a talent for it…

Harpoon makes a ton of sense in PVE. You know how DK’s always complain when they target swap or when they have to move away from a mechanic. Guess what, hunter can use this ability to counter that problem. Wow hard to figure out.

Think about this, boss does a mechanic that makes the melee move 30 yards away. When you get to go back to the boss you can harpoon to it. Where other specs have to physically run. Right there alone you just got a 5 second window of damage another spec cannot.

Boss Summons an ad that the DPS need to deal with before it blows up. You can just harpoon too it and get to damaging quickly.

Your corruption summons an ad walking toward you and you harpoon to another target to out range it. HOWWWWWWWWWWWW are you this bad? I can think of 3 ways in a matter of seconds where it’s super useful…

PvE can have variance. Are you slow? I guess you haven’t done enough keys to understand how affixes work or something. They alone completely vary the PvE content…

A lot of us like old SV… Ok so what? That has no relevance to anything here.

A lot of us would play it… Once again no relevance here.

Nobody said you were asking them to take it away here ever. Once again you spouting out false facts is my issue. I don’t need other people joining the hate the melee hunter bandwagon with you because you sit here and give it a false narrative. I have to deal with it constantly in the game enough. Without you sitting here badmouthing my spec into the ground.

lol No. Well maybe now, and the past 2 expansions since RSV was killed. But during RSV’s lifetime, RSV was almost always the most represented hunter spec(throughout all forms of content) and typically one of the most popular specs out of every class. Like I said, there are outliers here and there, but generally RSV has been much more represented than both BM and MM, even when it was subpar-fair in raid settings.

By all means. I want MSV to do well for those who enjoy it. But I will never stop advocating for the spec I played and loved for over a decade to make a return as a fourth spec.

Anywho, I’m done. Must resume running old raids to not get mounts. I do hope Bepples will show up, to spit out some hard numbers though. :stuck_out_tongue:


I think they shoved the pet with range into Beast only and that was a bad idea, it pigeon holed that play style. I personally dislike BM.

I play survival as offspec only because I like having a pet. Marks with a pet is just insanely boring. It would be great if talent trees where more diverse to allow real customization to adapt to a players style.

Agreed, daily reset in 15. Rustfeather is my nemesis.

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Yeah, all five of you.

In your head perhaps.

But since neither BM nor MM plays even remotely like how RSV used to play, and since many players already playing those specs want them to remain focused on their current themes, the best solution would be to add RSV back in as a 4th spec(and thus, a 3rd ranged hunter spec).



It still baffles me how people can go about saying “NO, don’t you dare advocate for the removal of my spec(MSV), but go ahead, change MM/BM all you want”.

And at the same time…it doesn’t.

For SL? I would say that’s a big no indeed. For 10.0? One can dream…

Anyone who wants to discuss current SV can do so anytime they want to. It doesn’t mean that we have to stop asking for RSV to come back.

Many of us are, simply because of how we no longer have access to the playstyle we liked so much.

Yes to that last part really. And to the very first sentence.

As for Explosive Shot within MM, like you said, there’s no place in MM for it(in the style of RSV that is). Not unless you change a whole lot more than that.

I agree. Luckily for us, RSV did not/would not play the same as either of the current specs we have. Different animations, different mechanics and interactions and altogether a different base damage model/setup.

Depends on who you ask.

Yep. Simply put, for a proper version of RSV to be able to exist within MM, we would essentially need MM to be as it is by it’s default core design and perhaps a select few talent choices. The rest would need to be reworked in order to fit the necessary elements pertaining to RSV in there.

In other words, it would result in 2 very bland and uninteresting “half-specs” by today’s standards.

Incorrect. Just plain wrong.


In the interview with Ion, following a while after the changes, he said outright:

Representation doesn’t necessarily matter as much, I think. We knew with Survival Hunter that we were making a niche spec. It is a melee spec for a class that has traditionally being range. I think that a lot of existing hunters, they are all hunters because they want to be a range class, and so we don’t necessarily expect them or want them to feel like they should be changing; but for new players picking up that class, it is an intriguing option

What he failed to acknowledge was how, in turning SV into a melee spec, they literally forced EVERY hunter that does not like melee combat(as a hunter) to switch spec.

And with that, due to how specs were becoming so distinguished in their respective design/theme, more-so than before, they now also had completely removed a playstyle which played very different from both the other 2 ranged options within the class.

SoO is the first one that comes to mind.

Again, incorrect.

I guess you forgot about Highmaul?

Nope, BwD/BoT and TotFW along with Dragonsoul were all raids where RSV was right up there with other hunter specs on certain fights. Did it always outshine the other 2? No, but that’s another story.

Yes it has.

Only for HFC, and in Legion(although that’s beside the question here).

In fact, as you can see from that graph, if you take the median of the 3 hunter specs, SV beat the other two by miles right up until they tanked it for HFC(as by how the line drops to nothing from that point on).

That’s not the version of RSV which most people are asking for to come back.

People are here refering to what we got with WotLK, and even more so with Cata and forward up until they removed it, going into Legion.


I miss MoP surv


They would not be making a 3rd range spec they would be returning one and if they did a 4th spec they would have their 3 old range specs back and keep the new melee one


Nothing you just said makes any sense. I don’t think anybody is saying survival has ever been a melee spec, because it was not. It was intended to be over before vanilla released.

This doesn’t make any sense, like at all. When you play an arcane mage you don’t because arcane energy. When you play a destro lock you don’t become fel fire. Nobody but you are making these equivalencies

Also, before the talent overhaul there were still specs, you just didn’t choose a spec and have all your skills handed to you. Your spec depended on your talents, for which there were many builds.

I don’t know that you understand what i said whatsoever, and it seems like you’re just interested in arguing.