Make subscription cheaper wow is overpriced

$15 is 2004 was the equivalent of $21 now.

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That takes like 60+ hours all of you people saying farm gold have never bought a wow token in your life

man I’d throw a fit if the sub was $21 now lmao but 15 still?! Nah we chillin’

You assume people responding to you aren’t young. Honestly this whole thread seems like a big troll job.


Nope, made 300k last night on JC mounts. Just asked if anyone wanted them in trade popped them out. It takes a bit of work, but you can make money easily.

You know if you didn’t spend so much time on netflix, you could read a few websites on the various ways to make gold.

It’s a fun one though!

If you are skipping meals, then perhaps taking a break from the game altogether and rethink priorities might be a good thing - and I say that in the nicest way.

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Keep sub fee, drop the expansion box costs, and make the cash shop items obtainable in game. that to me would be reasonable.
No game should have a subscription cost, a box cost of like 70 bucks and micro transactions.
Your either F2P with Mtx, 70 dollar one time cost, or a subscription based game, not all 3.

What does everyone think of that??

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when yousee comments like this and see that in your country working as a professional engineer you make like just USD 10 an hour make me a sad cow

It’s a good discussion to have.

Statistically, no… millennials are statistically more likely to have saved money year over year, and less likely to be in debt than a Gen X’r.

If more money is coming out of their bank account to purchase the same product, then they are spending more money. Just because they got it at a discount rate, doesn’t mean they aren’t spending more for it now.

No, but it is a guarantee that you can do something together on date night. Netflix is great, why leave home without it?

If you add up the price of a sub fee for 16 years, plus the cost of every expansion… it’s kind of crazy how much this game costs to play. Yes, that’s 16 years, but to stay subbed that’s about $2,880 (not including tax). Now to buy every expansion and base game that’s about another 550-600, not including tax. So, to play WoW for 16 years some people have spent about $3,400 (not including transaction fees or tax).

No. This isn’t MTX it’s cosmetic. The expansion cost is justified for the content released, come on now. Look at the relaunch of FF7. They are doing it in parts and charging for each one. Expansions have a price tag in MMOs.

70$ one time fee does not keep the servers running, you have no guarantee people are going to buy everything. Rift is the prime example of your system going wrong.

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ROFL. That’s funny. Do you have any more jokes to tell?

the funny part is this is the advice I give in game and RL all the time. Don’t worry about letting your sub expire.

I’m so confused. Netflix is $15/month. Wow is $15/month. You don’t technically need either (in order to get a girlfriend or anything else). You don’t even need a girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other if you want to get nitpicky about it.

This game has a subscription fee. It’s ALWAYS had a subscription fee. For most of us, that fee has stayed the same since the game’s inception. For others (Australians, Canadians, & maybe others I’m not sure) the price has gone up a bit. Not dramatically, but enough to keep in line with the exchange rate. It’s unfortunate that the Australian Dollar (and in my case the Canadian Dollar) no longer goes as far as it once did in regards to purchasing power for this game. But considering the fact that it’s ONE increase in 15+ years, it’s still a pretty good deal.

I can’t think of any service or product that I’ve used consistently for that long who’s price has increased at a lower rate. Keeping in mind that EVERY service or product that I’ve used consistently for that long has definitely increased in price. Not a single one costs what it did in 2004.

If it’s a priority for you, you will find a way to be able to afford the fee. If not, there are plenty of free to play games out there, as well as Netflix. But the solution to the fact that the cost of this game no longer seems to fit into your budget is not to lower the price of the game.

I want to note that I do think it’s a bit excessive that this game has an expansion cost, a subscription fee, as well as micro transactions within the game. You are able to play the game without spending money on any of those things.

The question remains: Is the cost of the game as it is worth it TO YOU? If not, you can play the Starter Edition, or not at all. That’s entirely your choice. Asking for a price reduction is silly and dare I say, entitled.

But it is Sunday after all so :woman_shrugging:t6:…

If you cant afford $15 a month you shouldnt be gaming then or interested in a MMO.


and i think what youre missing is that MOST hobbies ARENT free.
Hobbies are a luxury…and expendable expense that you DONT do if you cant afford it.
A 4-hour round of golf around here on the week end is $60 without a driving cart.
If one cant afford that…dont do it.
if you cant afford $15 a month my suggestion is to play one of those free online games some in here keep talking about.
Stop trying to drag WoW into the free zone. you can play ESO free from my undertstanding. Go do that.

Still cheaper than one 4-day trip to Vegas for me.

If you can’t afford $15 a month for a video game, you shouldn’t be playing this video game. Aren’t there free games on your fFacebork or internets in general?

That WoW’s still the same price as when I started in 2005 is amazing enough.


whats the definition of micro transactions. I assumed anything in game with a real life price tag that provides some digital accessory or advantage would be micro transactions. Like NBA 2K has those card packs, they are Mtx, and Valorant which is F2P has weapon skins, those are Mtx. So I dont see how mounts pets toys and transmog wouldnt fall into the same category of Mtx. Im not trying to be a dck, im just explaining my reasoning for calling it Mtx.

I just think its kind of crazy to see a game charge 70$, then a subscription fee, while also having Mtxs. I know plenty of games do this, but it doesnt mean its not greedy or anti consumer.

It’s not a joke, this was based on studies done. I can understand not believing the data, because the stereotype is that millennials are flaky and terrible with money. But, again, this is a statistical truth, so you can find examples in either direction, but it isn’t the norm.

I’d argue that Netflix ($8.99) is a hell of a lot more conducive to a healthy relationship than a WoW sub. Also, with the saved money you can go get a coffee with your girlfriend. It’s basically win win.

and…as they keep pointing out…there ARE free alternatives to play online. TONS of free games, even older games you can download and grab DOSbox to run if your machine cant.
They keep saying there are free games to play, but instead theyre in here demanding to play WOW for free.
Getting a little entitled in here.