Make subscription cheaper wow is overpriced

If people had noodles they’d not buy the games that have had their prices hiked.

But they don’t (or at least they don’t use them) so the prices will go up and stay up.

Oh well. Not sure that it even affects me yet anyway. I haven’t seen PC games increase in cost yet and if they do I’ll just wait for a steam sale. They’re certainly frequent enough. lol


Worked there for a couple years in Indiana. I disagree.

If you can’t afford 15 dollars a month,maybe you should be doing something more productive with your time than playing video games.

The price has been the same for years and well worth it’s entertainment value.


And yet the number of players in BfA is in the toilet, folks are already talking about a “ripcord” for Shadowlands because the fancy new system is already looking very disappointing, so all that’s left is folks playing a game that the head of the company said no one would want to play just a few years ago.

None of that is good. It means the company really has no idea what it’s doing and could be gutted by its own vapidity at any moment. Heck, they think Classic players actually want to re-experience the clown suits of TBC.

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The folks who put out gold guides charge for that info. That’s how they make THEIR gold.

it’s clear that you only listen to the memes or forums to judge something. if you actually keep up with current info and changes rather than months old beta testing info, you’ll know that shadowlands is in a good spot atm, especially pvp: Shadowlands PVP FIXED FINALLY!

The same goes with the covenant and soulbind systems. far different than back when that “pull the ripcord” meme was created months ago and well before the delay.

Just because I refuse to watch threads that are solely video promotions and not actual discussions. Does that mean in the last 24 hours they have changed the fact that PvP gear is 30 ilvls lower than all other content?

I definitely agree with you. It’d be righteous if Blizz at the very least suspended the sub fee during the pandemic as a goodwill gesture.

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This just in…

Not sure how expensive it is where you live but one day’s parking is $13.49 here.

Everything outside the grocery store and fast food is expensive too (kebab: $11, meal and coffee for 4 at a restaurant is atleast $70+ ). WoW even though it’s increasing to $20 mid-next year here in Canberra and wider Australia will still be one of my cheapest hobbies, no need to pay for petrol, fuel or resources outside of my computer which I already would need.

It will never happen. People who complain about sub fees will still pay Starbucks for their overpriced coffee on a weekly basis, maybe near daily and that adds up quicker than $15 a month. For $15 a month you get the best MMO on the market with access to not one but TWO full games in retail and Classic WoW. Its literally the best deal. This game is the only game at all with real end game progression since all the other mmos that are free have more in your face advertised cash shops and goofy housing systems and thats literally it. If you don’t wanna pay then don’t, if you can’t then oh well. Plenty of god awful free to play games to enjoy I guess.

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Due to inflation $15 a month was more valuable in 2005 than it is now, not the other way around. Also, I’ve played f2p mmorpgs in the past. I’d much rather pay $15 a month and not deal with the terrible issues that plagues those types of games, not to mention blatant p2w mechanics.

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Oh Darling, If you cannot afford 15 dollars a month…then you are either out of work or too young to work therefore dear you have plenty of time on your hands to grind out the gold. Now be a dear and fetch me another cocktail…now don’t sneak a sip if you are not at least 21

Bg gear is supposed to be on par with glad gear? Jeez, that sounds awful.

Please note that I am fine with the subscription prices on their own, something should probably change as it’s a full priced game with full priced expansions that has a subscription model, an ingame cosmetics store AND the tokens which are both a way to buy gold AND ends up being someone paying a months subscription except at an even higher price… all of that together is getting very greedy, yes, but on their own the sub prices are fine.

However I need to point this out…

This is actually somewhat incorrect. Yes, you can liken it to the price of a meal, but you could also liken it to the price of, say, an indie game, which will last you a lifetime. Again, I’m fine with the current sub prices (even after Blizz went ahead and raised those prices for us aussies), but the price comparison attitude doesn’t work because for the same price you can get MORE value, too.

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Unless they changed something, yeah. Honor gear scales upto the same level as glad is baseline, but glad doesn’t have any upgrades.

So max ilvl for a PvPer is like 194 instead of the 226 available to PvE players in M+ and raids.

If they haven’t changed anything it’s trash and PvP gearing absolutely hasn’t been fixed at all.
Instead, PvP players are once again punished for playing their form of content for absolutely no reason whilst PvErs remain dominant in all forms of content.

I was being facetious. PvE players aren’t queueing into heroic dungeons and LFR getting 226 ilvl loot. They are doing max level content to get max level rewards. If you’re playing in BG’s, you can get 3 ilvl OVER LFR and 20 ilvl over heroic dungeons. Be grateful. Do rated.

If your friends can’t afford $15 per month for a hobby, I would say they shouldn’t waste any time playing any game and think about their career paths.

I wouldn’t mind a lower subscription fee for previous expansions content.
$5/ month and you’re capped at lvl 50

WoW is a luxury entertainment item. It’s not needed to survive in any way. If you can’t afford it now, stop playing. Save the time and money until things are better. This is part of life. Things suck sometimes and you can’t do things.

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