Make Preach a game thats like overwatch with raids

ok please enlighten me with your main and all the exp you have in LFR nyalotha.


Please enlighten me with the relevance of your argument you have that doesn’t equate to you simply disliking that you don’t have everything free to you.

Edit; BS for BS info since your stance and approach is utter BS.


Looks like Preach is giving himself an out in case Shadowlands fizzles. lol

The dev team doesn’t have the same option. I’m guessing they only can work with what they have at this point (estimated 3-4 months till launch) and, if that other thread was correct, develop contingency plans.

wtf is a Tracer?


Weird, because shadow priests are asking for Void Form to go away and things like DP to come back.

Is shadowform borrowed power because we haven’t had it since WoD? If void form is removed will it have been borrowed power?

Was meta borrowed power for locks?

60% of everything we do at max level goes away in the pre-patch. It’s been that way since 2006. Stop.


free or not. atleast I have done content in wow. You havent even played BFA from what I can tell. actually havent even played legion.

If its so free why dont you go level to 120, get mythic nzoth, time a +25, and get gladiator.

lmao all these LFR heroes trying to call out 1% for wantting “free” things


I feel like I’m in the minority of people who play the game mostly because I love the world, the setting, the races etc. I like the gameplay as well, of course, but what brings me back is mostly the RPG aspect and the new lore to discover.

I’m fine with covenants having some slight gameplay differences. If that means some groups won’t accept me, so be it. I’m still going Kyrian on this character and Night Fae on my Night Elf hunter.


Yes, I agree. Demon Hunters need to be nerfed.


Just curious what 60% borrowed power did we lose going from vanilla to BC?

Note I don’t really care about borrowed power ‘loss’ transitioning to a new xpac. Linear, non-linear, it’s all relative to me.


all this proves to me is that Ion is completely out of touch. he knows that is not even remotely true … or he is bad at his job. those guys send tremendous amounts of time and energy ironing out those specs, adjusting them for each boss fight to get the most out of each encounter … there is nothing cookie cutter about it. Ion is just playing to your basest of fears like a typical laywer. congrats, you got lawyered.

anyone copying those “templates” that these guys lay out are always months behind because they are not adapting, they are just mindlessly bashing their head against things.

these covenants are going to make this far worse for most people that raid mythic or push high keys, because there will only be 1 choice for those people.


Cite your source.


Set bonuses were disabled and removed my guy. Going from significant in combat regen with my t2 4 piece to nothing was a huge power loss.

The forums don’t always show all account wide achievement points. Especially if you haven’t logged into a particular character in some time.

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There are some really talented players who should not be wasting their time with all the grinding. They are welcome to play WoW, of course, but I just feel like they would enjoy it more to play games that are all about the skill and not the set-up. I’ve heard that people pushing 28s can have like 5 different sets of gear with BiS corruptions, and that just seems like torture tbh.


Go look on Twitter, the chat of the stream where the interview took place with thousands and thousands of people watching, go look at most of the threads on these forums,

and then look at the responses to his opinion.


Thousands and thousands out of a community numbering in the millions.




Did you read what I said?

Preach’s stance represents the opinions of far more people than yours.

You think the persons opinion I was referring to is concurrent in a community numbering millions?

I said Preach’s opinion reflects more opinions than the individual I was replying to. Not that his opinion reflects more than the total accumulation of players in WoW.


Oh for the love of… stop it. You can’t be this daft and think everyone posts on their mains. Also if he did, you would just research him till you found something not even relevant to cancel him for.
He’s a player of the game and thus has just the same status as you where opinions on the game are concerned. You pay the same subscription fee.


Na. his opinion doesnt have the same value as mine. Cuz Im a cutting edge raider, #8 DH in NA for m+ currently timing 26s and soon 27s, Also dabbled in some pvp been a duelist. Been playing since vanilla wow.

Him on the other hand is a … level 101 DH. he hasnt even played legion let alone BFA.

he has no exp to comprehend why locked covenants are or arent good for the game.


loool no thanks