Is it possible to do a race change to void elf, faction change to Alliance to make my toon into an Alliance character? Will she keep the same appearance on the most part if made into an Alliance elf? Been considering moving to MoonGuard-Alliance . Honestly, I don’t see much of a future in RP on WRA anymore and looking to roll the last dice on MG .
TL:DR Mode, you’ll have fewer ‘darker’ skin tones that aren’t purple or violet, and you’ll not have access to most Sin’dorei hair-styles, but otherwise, everything else transfers 1:1.
I hope you find what you are looking for on MG :))
We have a guildy that plays a blood elf IC but uses void elves so they can RP in Stormwind. They do have a blood elf they do pve content on and bring to guild rp events in neutral areas. They have a lot of elves and a couple duplicates of the same character so they can swap back and forth between horde, alliance, WRA and moon guard.
Also if you do plan to RP a blood elf on Moon Guard using Void Elves. Be aware there is a weirdo that may target and harass you in whispers/mail on multiple accounts/characters. It’s just one really weird dude and not a representation of the community as a whole, just one sad dude that has a negative fixation on VE - Blood elves. Report and block, don’t engage or Blizz may not take action if it’s considered you trolled back. There’s actually a funny YouTube video about him.
Hey, if you do come to the correct side, remember - Pool Party on Quel’Danas.
Since Sadgati is a civilian and was honorably discharged from the Horde arms forces in 615, I reckon she would retain her citizenship even if she came to Alliance. I don’t think immigration is covered in the Warcraft universe but it is reckoned she would carry the Alliance version of a green card. She would be there as a civilian running her trade company.
Wholly dependent on how authoritarian you decide the current Blood Elf administration is. But Ren’dorei are banned from Quel’thalas because we make the Sunwell go funny, and it’s entirely possibly that ban is just a blanket over all non-Horde members.
But again - mileage may vary there since Silvermoon’s still locked in The Burning Crusade days and Suramar’s still acting in game like the Time Lady is in charge.
Probably just a troll…and I promise something…He does not want to go up against a 90’s kid like me… If he is Millennial or GenZ, he WILL LOSE!
My Brother/Sister/Non-Euclidean Entity in Christ, who do you think created the 90s?
I was wondering about that too… Just dupe the character. What level will it need to be to have access to all the BOA transmogs, flying mounts, dragonflying, etc…?
I have 4 versions of Kirsy. 2 are void elf models on Alliance side WrA and MG, but I play her as a blood elf. I use the same TRP for all 4. The 2 on Alliance are hunters, but I don’t ICly play her as such, just that she’s now discovered guns as a new weapon.
No one has said anything about it on MG, but I’m not over there very often since I’m more focused on keeping RP on WrA.
believe it or not, exiled
Next expansion they are supposedly unifying all the elves into a new type of super elf. So maybe just wait a few months before paying for xfers and race changes to see what comes out in midnight.
ppl just like to crap on millennials even when we’re not their real target, nbd
I am really worried that something is gonna happen to Bel’amethadone and the Kaldorei are gonna get screwed again…
Please let the Kaldorei have a win, just this once, without it coming at horrendous personal cost?
What is this, a post for Gnomes?
The Elves elect Azshara to be Queen again.
Of course the Ren’dorei would favor the giant tentacle monster.
That said, I want an uneasy partnership with the naga between Azshara, the Alliance and the Horde, because there’s more than one Void Lord and Dimensius is backing Xal’atath, so it would only make sense for his rivals to back Azshara to counter his play to take the World Soul.
The battle to dominate between two all-powerful lesbian tentacle monsters, and the Champion(s) right in the middle of it all is a hell of a concept for Midnight.
If you’re a 90s kid you are a millennial
No you see, my uncle works at blizzard and he said we’re gonna roll all the elves up into a big katamari ball and squish them all together to make one big super elf which will punch the void in the gnards and save the world, of warcraft.