Make my blood elf Alliance?

I’m imagining the junker boss mechanic in Undermine except with the elves in your raid group.

I haven’t played undermine or any of this patch but yes, it’s exactly like that.

I graduated high school in 1995 so that VERY much makes me a VERY 80s kid / 90s teen. If you grew up between 1985 and 1995, you rock!@

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Us in 1999: “Yeah Matrix is a fun movie, but really? The height of Human Civilization being the here and now? Seems a bit self-aggrandizing.”

Us in 2025: “…oh.”


I got the package from the cash shop to race change to void elf → faction change → move to MG . Will my character go from Horde void elf to alliance void elf? Want to make sure this will work because $95 is ALOT to burn coughs . Then there is my other character who may want to immigrate as well :slight_smile: For now, I will be staying for a few to see if my RP partner will return to game. With WoW dropping so many players, the days of RP may come to an end for all of us soon hence for reason to experience the Alliance side of things.

This sounds like a gnome experiment gone horribly wrong.

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or a complete success??? :thinking:

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The void elves look just like blood elves if skinned right. The only difference will be in her hair styling. As one fellow mentioned, there is a guy who may troll me… But, I am the bigger, fatter troll so no issues there… LOL Spending money to make a blood elf into Alliance is really no big deal for me. I am good with the auction house so the only thing spent on this expansion up until now is the box title download for TWW. That is barely north of $100 for 4 months of entertainment. No complaints there.

Elf Reunification is on its way.

Soon, the sweaty and intimidated Blood Elves will be forced into seething impotency as glorious, long-limbed Kaldorei swagger into the Sunwell.

We’re going to build a gym over it.


Looks like Sadgati’s fiance’, in character will be returning to the game in a few weeks. Hence, that move to Alliance territory will hurt the one she loves the most. Moreover, her foes on WRA wants her to leave thus cementing those heals deep into the hard rocks of Dornogal. <<<<<-------IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE------->>>>>

PS>> I wasted $80 on game services that will never be used and that is okay. Love you all!!

Like Sands through the Hourglass

These are the Days of the Sin’dorei Lives

Music swells

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**Sits in the empty court of Silvermoon staring through the hour glass towards the stars. Sadgati, bored to tears begins to hear a song backed by a vision of a roaring lion. There are the sounds of triumphic drum rolls with blowing horns… “Did I just hear Twentieth Century Fox from a world far, far away?”