Make leveling matter again

I still see lots of people leveling, mostly in dragon lands content.

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This is why MoP Remix is a good idea. Itā€™s an attempt at making leveling consistent again.

I think that you have it all wrong and to suggest that Blizzard isnā€™t tending to their customers is wrong as well. And what level 33 character would enchant when gear is changing every day?

A lot of investment is in the end game because that is where all of the players are. That said, Iā€™ve really enjoyed playing a rogue in Desolace; I forget the achievement (exploration maybe?) for doing all of the quests in a zone but itā€™s fun to do.

Alts are fun, many people play them for all kinds of reasons.

Homie nothing matters anymore. People are spamming trade chat to level you up from 1-60 for 50k gold. Buy a token and level up four toons until 60. The token ruined anything worth merrit in this game!

I agree. The typical leveling path is to run dungeons over and over; grinding levels is silly. People do it, that is all that they know.

Extreme disagree.
Itā€™s the best way to level, better yet, to even play this game at all.

BG leveling is the epitome of fun in WoW as far as I am concerned.
At least for the current expansion, itā€™s probably broken for early leveling.

Also, not to the extent it is in modern WoW

Earlier i got into a BG with a level 60 decked out in ilvl 418 gear. Literally how Sway

And no it wasnā€™t a 70 scaled down, I verified this.

I think leveling is fine, but I understand missing that feeling of it being something of a journey. A part of me misses ā€˜the leveling journeyā€™ and the linear trajectory of questing through Vanilla > BC > Wrath > Cata > MoP and so on, and admittedly, I feel some folks miss out on the feeling of really getting to see the world of Warcraft.

That said though? I donā€™t think Iā€™d go back. I like being able to jump right into something and go right to the chapter in my journey I want to be in. Thereā€™s a lot more freedom to explore wherever you want once you understand Chromie Time.

I wish we had something of a story mode - not like the MSQ in FF14, but something more like what GW2 has; give players to option to level up how they want to while having something of a narrative throughline that takes you around the world, but even that would be a big undertaking to write a quest chain that takes you everywhere. :person_shrugging:

So firstly
20 yr mmo most people have max level toons
The most fun is end game content soooo yeah people want to play max level and not grind old content for no reason.
Also you can twink whatever you want there is guilds that twink ulduar and other old raids and pvp so idk what your really complaining about.
Overall this seems like a asmon spammer account trying to flood the forums with bad takes

I think the only way to make leveling relevant is to (somehow) delete every guide site out there.

No real exploration or magic in leveling if there is a guide to max level as fast as possible for ā€œthe real gameā€ .

But to entertain the ideaā€¦.

~ Leveling needs real danger.
~ Leveling needs to be balanced
~ Cool stuff should not be removed from the game once ā€œirrelevantā€

As it stands now, the only real reason to level is to collect things. Things that are commonly removed or nerfed

they should wait Warthin. pls post constructively like i do XD

Or, just wait for the next patch.

Add three different difficulty levels and three different xp gain speeds with new achievements featuring one mount per expansion and a few titles sprinkled in.

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I would fix leveling by having two routes:

  1. Story. This would be a 1-Max single player adventure with no side questing, no dungeons, no open world stuff. A Linear path that takes you through each major story beat since vanilla.

  2. Heirlooms with massive xp, but not power advantage. Something like 50-100x exp, but no power bonuses.

I like this videoā€™s idea

I disagree with your premise though . A newb pvp shouldnā€™t be equal to a veteran pvp player particularly if thatā€™s all that vet pvp player does with the game. He/she should have a high advantage to kill you easier. Itā€™s PVP! thatā€™s the point!

Thatā€™s the game mode.

Now I do partially agree with you especially in wow pvp too much power is gear dependent in pvp.

It should be tied to pvp abilities and talents that you earn from ā€¦pvp successes. Not just kills mind you successā€¦ your team winning a match.

Brackets is how you earn your way to compete with those level capped. Of course wow has doe level brackets for pvp for a long time they should just do it better.

Now all this is in bgs open world is no holds barred you flag as a lvl 20 and then cry because a 70 melts your face in .02 seconds thatā€™s on you.

No one cares about your low level bg queues.

Give leveling sliders for difficulty and experience.

I play the uno reverse card

I feel like big challenge for this will be the lack of levelling community on retail. Slow leveling works in classic, because the community is there for it.

Also the game was built around levelling first, with great variety of itemization, quest difficulties, logistically hard dungeon runs, slow combat and downtime.

If you add all that to retail levelling, itā€™s just going to feel tedious, because thereā€™s no depth to the game at those levels anymore. They need to completely reinvent the game at low levels for that, and then somehow tie that into the end game.

Maybe it can work as one of those modes like MoP event, if you could transfer the character to normal retail at the end.