Make leveling matter again

That is BS and you know it. MANY people played. It was the streamers who got upset that they couldnt roflstomp anymore, so Blizzard reverted the change. We ALL know it. Dont even lie.

How would you make this happen though?

The only way to make leveling matter is if levels mattered. Would you then suggest we have an infinite # of levels and let the biggest neckbeard win?

No, legion was one of the lowest points in pvp.

For streamers

It was the lowest point for streamers. Players like me ENJOYED the templeates, cuz it meant we could actually have fun in pvp rather than being in a meat grinder for the Killers.

You know this.

Participation was awful in legion, it was well documented

People like progression, legion had zero progression, it didn’t even allow you to control your own stats

Source then. Your claim is “Legion PvP was poorly received”. I want to see the metrics you are basing that off of.

And I want REAL numbers. First party sources. Cant provide that? What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

Nah, thanks, I have better things to do then go dig up 6 year old content that probably doesn’t even exist anymore.

What you want isn’t wow pvp, and that’s fine. Try something like GW2 where pvp gear doesn’t exist.

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Classic is :arrow_right: that way.

Is leveling still relevant there?

I’ll add, if I could instantly AND freely get any race any class max level I’d take it in a heartbeat and never level again.

Exactly. Exactly what I bloody thought. The onus of proof is on the claim maker. You claimed something, so prove it or go away.

I find levelling is useful for learning new roles, spec and class.

What if you’ve honestly leveled everything?

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I mean… seems like you’re the one who should “go away” if you’re that angry about the way pvp is in wow lol

Exactly again!

You guys know I am right. You know you only play MMO PvP cuz its a roflstomp against lower geared players. Its why yall hated legion, while we loved it. The Killers hate fairness.

I actually don’t do arena, I only have green gear and I have fun /shrug

So a troll, then.

No, not trolling.

Yep. A troll.

Honor gear is like 10 ilvl lower, its good gear

Most people don’t want leveling to be slow or be a significant part of the game anymore. Many people have leveled dozens of characters in the past 20 years. We don’t need leveling to matter.

Just look at SoD. People HATED phase 2 leveling speed to the point blizzard had to give an XP buff because so many people were leaving and not even finishing the leveling process compared to phase 1 where people would level several alts. They tried to salvage it in phase 3 by making leveling fast in incursions, but other factors like 20 man raids I think have made SoD continue to decline.

Dungeon finder ruined levelling.

The reason people loved classic was because the world was vibrant, it had players. The quests were poorly written, but it felt and played like an MMO.

Questing should be buffed for better experience so you actually see players in the world.

Dungeons need experience NERFED and run mostly for item upgrades

And then you have heirlooms that rob the magic of getting equipment upgrades

Cataclysm, Wrath and Burning Crusade are the best expansions for introducing new players imo. You pick the time line and jump straight into combat, testing out skills and abilities.


Like veteran players during the actual release probably enjoyed the story transition, but having to do this slow and boring city tour quests just sucks the fun out of the game for new players and even levelling alts like myself

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