This is an ok solution, so all the leavers put in 1 dungeon when they leave together, so they will get 5 mins ques and the complainers have 40 mins ques. ok
So, you’re putting your money where your mouth is and leaving the thread?
I like how the OP mentioned FF14 but failed to mention how the gear in FF14 dungeons is spread throughout the dungeon, both on bosses and in chests, where no one item is located on a singular boss lol.
The only way to true justice is to make the evil doers punished!
Nah. I’m fine. You’re the one that has issues with people leaving your heroic group. Again, Bye Felicia
You want me to leave the thread and you want to control people by giving them a deserter buff for leaving heroics. You just want to complain and control. I highly doubt you truly care. Again, Bye Felicia
Also I never played FF14, but a lot of these suggestions remind me of why I have no desire to play that game.
Being hostage to a dungeon? Pass
You aren’t hostage to a dungeon lol.
I don’t think you understand the words you’re facerolling onto your keyboard.
“Bye” is something you’re saying when you’re leaving.
You’re still here.
Complaining about complainers.
If they could ban you for leaving a dungeon, it sounds like it to me.
You have to leave multiple times consecutively to start getting warnings lol.
At least 1 hour deserter debuff for sure
I’m looking forward to all the rage sobbing when people get slammed with the deserter buff after the hotfix.
there won’t be. They will just move to premades and the complainers will get all the downside
It’s not gonna happen. No one really cares. It’s a dumb change and we are letting Blizz know. Again…Bye Felicia.
Pretty much.
Oh, there most certainly will be threads over it. There are people grousing how the internal bugs with the AH right now is somehow TSM and other addons’ fault.
Wouldn’t a more logical tack to this particular issue, a means to relieve some of the pressure from this happening, be to have any and all boss loot not drop until the very end of the dungeon?
For those dungeons where players get experience, they big bonus bucks of exp are only given once the final boss is killed.
So how complicated would it be to have any gear drops be “held in escrow”, so to speak, until the very end of the dungeon as well?
Make this sort of loot behaviour applicable only to current content.
Let older content remain as it was, drop-per-boss, since those dungeons are likely to be soloed by max level players. (This would, obviously, have to exclude level-appropriate players, who are leveling through the LFG system. They would also have the “all loot drops at the very end” treatment.)
I don’t know, would this work?
It would certainly encourage players to stay for the whole dungeon, wouldn’t it?
Heck, they could even make it so that a new player replacing someone who dropped out for whatever reason, would ALSO have access to loot from any bosses killed before their arrival in the dungeon!
The only person who loses out is the person who leaves group.
No gear.
Not a ban.
Not a debuff.
just no reward because they did not, after all, complete the dungeon.
You keep using words you don’t seem to understand the meaning to. How sad.
AH is something people care about. the leavers dont care about the deserter buff, they care blizzard is wasting thier time when they can jsut mvoe to premades
Exactly. Heroics only matter before season 1. Rest of the expansion raiders can ignore them. Our alts go straight to M0’s