I don’t leave groups like this. I have had people leave groups like this. I couldn’t care less if people leave groups like this. Until I pay their sub fee, I have zero right to say how long someone groups with me. That you think you have that right is crazy to me.
Blizzard created a situation where the first boss has the loot people want and nothing after that is worth the time to clear it, yet you blame the players and want Blizzard to fix the issue by hurting the players not fixing the reason everyone leaves? Seems very backwards low-level thinking to me.
It’s just for heroics people want to farm their best in slot gear for raiding. Mythic 0’s might have the same effect but you have to a group finder for those and mythic + it won’t be a thing. People leave after one boss wipe when you look for people in raids.
I mean, at this point, I’m just picking on someone who clearly doesn’t understand what is happening. I apologize for antagonizing you though. I just feel bad now.
For everyone making the immensely insane argument of “I dont have to do the whole thing, you cant make me”
Why are you doing content you KNOW people are doing to completion?
They ended you fools in cs go so fast when they added the “You are commiting to at least 30 mins of gameplay, leaving before that time can result in actions against your steam account”, which was usually a day to a week or more ban from playing the game.
If you Q for a dungeon, you are Q’ing for the entire dungeon, not the first boss.
If I queue for a dungeon, I’m queuing because I need an item. If I CAN’T even get the chance at said item, It’s not worth my time. People that form groups outside the instance to go into that specific dungeon, are there for the whole dungeon. Go bark up some other tree with that gatekeeping “You have to do dungeons my way or the highway” garbage.