Make leaving bannable

it doesn’t make sense. its a knee jerk reaction that will fix itself in 2 weeks

What’s adorable is they’re committing to the trolling bit unabashedly now.

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Yeah, but in players term, 2 weeks feels like forever.

not to the casuals who complain about herioc groups. they never even lick any conten. this will all be fixed for them in 2 weeks.

they CAN be stiffly punished to where they will play with you due to fear of consequences… you can force them with enough determniation.


It’s frustrating, but I don’t agree with bans.

They’re being punished. Not anything crazy like a ban though.

Blizzard is making the right call by extending the deserter.

It’s time to reel the Kiritos of the world back into reality. Checks and balances like this have been needed since server blacklisting stopped being useful.

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Still, 2 weeks for them feels like forever. Let me explain:

When people are more focused on the game, they don’t even realize.
So, when Blizzard does add the deserter buff, nobody will notice and nobody will care, because there wouldn’t be people leaving the dungeon just for one trinket.

But knowing how they’re also adding the deserter buff, something tells me they are going to pull the same thing with TWW in Midnight too.

We need this emergency maintenance patch for deserters pronto!

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there doesn’t need to be a punishment though. Better solutions have been given in order to meet the result desired and make almost everyone happy


Nah, holding people hostage is bad.


Well, the punishment is coming. :person_shrugging:

Yes I understand blizzard is stupid


Yeah I mean blizzard can deal with it however they deal with it.
I just think that’s a basic lesson you learn as a kid right?

You can’t force people to want to play with you.

I personally find it strange you would even want to force someone to play with you that doesn’t want to :woman_shrugging:


According to you. I think this is a sensible stopgap fix. I also agree that all loot should only be given at the end of a dungeon run, like in M+.

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Right. Blizzard doesn’t brainstorm because they’re braindead

This solution is a better solution, but blizzard is to busy trying to make everyone miserable to implement it

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Or they’re just busy. New launch and all.

The can’t be that busy if they’re working on a hotfix for this. they ain’t fixing classes for the better