Make leaving bannable

right. once mythic 0s come out noone will talk about this topic again. this is just new fad complaining people, about something that has no relevant impact on anythign game related in the grand scheme of things. Waste of blizzards time ot fix it, when it will fix itself on the 10th of september

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And you’ll be free to not queue up for content for 30 minutes if you exercise your freedom of choice to drop before the second boss is done.

When you hit the queue button you’re agreeing to play with 4 random strangers. If you treat said strangers like bots instead of people you deserve the consequences for behaving like a bad person.


Im sorry megatron but freedom is the right of every sentient creature.

Then you’re also free to go play something else? Blizzard has made it clear where they fall on this issue.

It did have an impact, people who were queued and got put in after the boss they needed because of the people who dropped.

However, the solution was definitely not the right one.

You guys are making me want to queue up just to leave


This is adorable.

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When you queue up for a dungeon, you’re queuing up for the dungeon. Nowhere does it say you have to play with those people within the dungeon.

If you want to control on who plays with who, go make your own game. You do not get to dictate on who has to play with who!


It “didn’t have an impact” because either it personally didn’t affect him or he’s one of the people who’s going to be punished by this change. He’s just trying to run a smokescreen and downplay it to prop up his position.

It doesn’t have an impact on the grand scheme of things because it will fix itself by the 10th of september so it doesn’ really matter, but if the complainers want 40 mins ques, ill see them here next week complaining about long ques

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I’m not doing this you are. You can’t abuse people in content because you “didn’t sign up for it” when you indeed did when you hit queue.

I’m just asking you have the integrity of following through on your own decisions.


They don’t disagree. The reason for this change is due to the excessive behaviour that is occuring, not because folks are meant to be able to force players to be with you. Which is what would happen if you make it a bannable offense.

It ain’t rocket science as to why Blizzard’s change makes sense, whereas OP’s is frankly insane.


30m is fine, if blizzard wanted ppl to stay put the item on the last boss

Actually the current rules state I can do that, and I can leave after 1 boss if I don’t like how the dungeon is proceeding, the group, or the loot.

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Make leaving bannable

thank Ion for Solo Dungeons and Delves now, lol.
I dont ever have to think about this drama ever again

Leaving a dungeon is not abuse! Kicking people out of a dungeon is not abuse!

You do not get to decide on what the rules are.


I wasn’t agreeing with the OP’s platform, just pointing out that Blizzard is of the stance that this behavior should, in fact, have a punishment attached to it.

Exactly…so clearly it was never meant be THAT harsh of a rule

Just because you say I am a troll doesnt make me one.

Just enjoy the L

So is whiners defending whiners :slight_smile: