Make leaving bannable

Check out Dungeon leaver post. Its been updated with a combination solution added to it. When you aren’t a toxic degenerate, you can get stuff done.

The really funny part about this, is when the sim donkeys inevitably go, “oops, the sacbrood trinket isn’t actually that good, sry guys, you actually want this other random trinket instead”

Bro seriously touch grass. You’ve been spamming this post for like 10 hours.

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If we’re talking LFD? I don’t know about banning, but repeat offenders should be punished harshly… double it each time, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 120 minutes, 240… etc etc and don’t allow it to fall off the account for at least a year, also mark them with a buff that cannot be removed.

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it would be easy to fix and they dont. which tells me they think its fine and dandy :wink:

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Just because something hasn’t changed doesn’t mean it isn’t broken or bad for the game as a whole…


I feel you don’t understand what they said. People will stop engaging altogether since it isn’t worth risking your account over trivial things like a dungeon.


A bunch of people brought up progressive deserter penalties. I think that would be a good change. Extend it to key leavers as well.

The really funny part is you don’t have any clue how sims work


More than reasonable. Don’t queue if you’re gonna constantly quit. Looking forward to ya’ll being queue banned.

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Or I can play both and advocate to have bad actors like you removed.

Time to find a premade

Just move all loot to the end of the run and don’t allow invites to LFD groups. Problem solved.

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wont happen

They are already working on a deserter penalty.

What a screwed up logic to penalize people for the rat race they created.

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And it won’t happen here and you’re losing your time. This game is for gamers.

Seems harsh but I also don’t care about the fates of annoying stains so go for it

Please get over yourself. He disagrees with you and has expressed it in a cogent manner. You’re now making ad hominem statements that are only making your position weaker.

In other words, calm down.

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Unfortunately for you there’s a community post stating they will be adding a penalty. Gamers actually stick around and play, not constantly leave queues when they don’t get what they want and ruin the run for others.