Make leaving bannable

why are you so upset? no one is screwed, you just hit the refill group button and keep pulling.

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People have the rights to leave whenever they feel like it, you don’t force them to stay with your group. however, The 30min deserter is more than enough.


when its a random heroic for bonus bag (it used to give mount) i couldnt filter out that 5 man. there is no way you could force me to do it if it came up

none of that is needed. the system in place already is fine. this is meant to be easily accessed content.

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All this fuss for something thats an issue for something thats 1% of the expansions life.

If were gonna punish people for leaving based on “respecting others”, i say we add a timer to normal and heroic dungeons as well so that way youre encouraged to get better and not be a deadweight that is lollygagging wasting my time

Fair is fair


I dont think a punishment is needed or warrented. This problem is as old as the game and has a precedence on how its handled.

Remember in Shadowland when a melee dps legendary aspect was dropping off the first boss? Many would leave right after. Blizzard fixed this by moving the aspect to the end boss.

Just moving the one saught after item to the end, maybe swap it with a differnt piece from the last boss, and you will stop players from leaving when it doesnt drop.

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i like this idea. so when people want to pull 2 mobs at a time they cant hold us hostage for forever.

If it was only a few people than it wouldn’t need to be fixed. I would rather they do nothing and wait till Mo come out.

there has to be some non competetie content, and this is trivial content that isn’t really used after 3 weeks.

They’re already implementing a fix. Changing how my dungeons work is not a fix.

I would rather they make the deserter debuff work like it used to: leave, get a debuff; get kicked, get a debuff. Why it was changed, I don’t know. But it was fine the way it was. The only reason this degenerate behavior exists is because they removed how it works in the first place.

I can help you. It was changed because people Dced or had life thigns come up quick, and they shouldn’t be punished. You sai din a different post you run with guildies, sooooo who cares. You guys will smash it in 6-10 min unless you suck. same time as killign 1 boss. changing the dungeon for eveyone is a better fix then implementing a fix that has friendly fire.

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lol no thank you.

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Its not competitive.
Its a learning scenario

People say they dont want a timer because they dont want to rushed…but then complain when they have to wait around for a minute for the group to refill someone who left

Are y’all in a rush or not??

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If you leave after you kill a boss you don’t get the full debuff, just the instance queue timer (~10 minutes or so vs 30?).

Just make the loot drop at the end of the dungeon in a chest like M+ and problem over, no need to manage any of these suggestions that people receive increasingly intense debuffs or bans or whatever.

The answer is theyre not, but they want to have the option of being in rush or not lol. thier casuals man, this drama is excitign for them to complain about. in 2 weeks they;; move onto somethign else.

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Stuff happens in life. There are other things to do until that debuff wears off. It’s happened to me, no big deal. But people purposely disconnecting to get out of things or around things shouldn’t be rewarded.

I pug a lot, as well. I do both.

I will die on the hill of do not screw me out of loot just because of a few degenerates.

I’m not really worried about people leaving cause it doesn’t mateer. Technically noone is screwing you out of loot by putting it at the end of the dungeons, and lets be honest, in previous expansions you never cared about heriocs or normals.

Then you don’t understand how the loot in M+ works.

Don’t tell me what I do and don’t care about. I run a lot of lower content with guildies and level a lot of alts.

There is zero reason to change loot and not reward people for a boss kill. None whatsoever.

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1st I do understand mythic plus, its still not screwing you. Second there is a reason to change it. Whether you want to accept it or not, things have to evolve, and creating a way to get everyone to a baseline is better than hurting 50% of everyone to prove a point.

M+ only drops one or two pieces of gear at the end. That’s it. So you’re screwing people out of drops. They are not going to implement a system that goes through each boss at the end and decides who is awarded with what from each of them.

So you’re just not going to listen to what’s being said and try repetition as some form of argument. It’s not working.

Literally nothing is wrong with how loot works nor does being rewarded for each boss kill need to change in content. That’s like putting all of the loot at the end of a raid. It’s nonsensical and ridiculous.

Don’t make up numbers that don’t exist.

Since you refuse to read what others have said and just want to gaslight, we’re done. Your idea is horrible.

Moving on.

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I can’t belive I have to explain this to you. just wow.
1 You took everythign out of context. adding the loot to the end of the dungeon means if there are 3 bosses that would drop 3 loot, the loot is looted at the end of the dungeon. I don’t suggest to change it to M+ comon man reading comprehension.
2. I’m not going to dignify a real response to your second one
3.I assume your working this off of #1 so that’s settled.
4. Just liek you told me not to tell you what to do, dont tell me what to do, and I don’t gaslight, im reasonable. good luck