If you guys think its bad in WOW, check LA it is pure cancer there.
Why do something you hate? Seems nonsensical.
Nah. You’re confusing responding with caring. They are not the same.
Then deal with people leaving.
How is it incorrect when you segment out items at each boss and are free to swap specs at each boss while targeting drops?
If all loot drops at the end boss, it is a tremendous list of items that you’d be rolling for based on your selected loot specialization. When loot drops (or has the chance to drop) these lists do not contain the same number of items or even the same items.
Selecting your spec at each boss matters if you’re targeting gear. If it all drops at the end, then you’re combining all possible loot for the dungeon into one long list and causing loot specs to be irrelevant except at the beginning of each run.
These are heroic runs - not M+. I don’t really think the “all drops at end” is such a great plan.
Don’t think people leaving aren’t interested in group content. There will be a lot of people trying to farm pre-BIS for season 1, whether they’ll be raiding or mythic+ dungeons.
As I said a few post up:
I believe that observed toxicity is not beacuse people are inherently bad,
it is because system makes them bad, make each boss drop shards and add vendor with items, toxicity and leavers will be eliminated overnight.
They get 30 min deserter debuff so what else do you want?
They want longer queue times by banning people who leave a dungeon so they can complain more. What else is there to say?
You and a couple others have been commenting on this post since I made it. Very telling.
It better than any other plan so far, but if you have a better solution I woudl love to hear it.
By the way. I made a new post. Dungeon leavers that address the solution for end of dungeon loot. If yall could make it big so blizz will see it we can do some good before the hotfix.
what a useless post
You know, I’ve been in numerous groups of all sizes and sorts while playing each of the 13 playable classes this game has to offer.
People have left groups for an innumerable amount of reasons throughout the course of years playing this game. Since I largely play tanks, I don’t really care and I am well familiar with the deserter debuff and how it works.
Never once, since the LFD/LFR tool was implemented, have I found myself thinking “Gee, that person should get a longer debuff or even a ban for leaving”. Neither have I given an ounce of care for the duration of the deserter debuff given to others.
I don’t much care if people leave. Groups fill quickly, unless you’re a DPS. I’m going to guess that people who are tanking or healing don’t find themselves inconvenienced when a “dime a dozen” DPS leaves.
I’d even take it a step further and say it is probably the DPS who are most vocal about this issue.
its not a big deal. hit the refill button and keep pulling.
I don’t know. It’s just heroic and they are being spammed because it is pre-season farm. It is going to happen. Honestly, I don’t know why they couldn’t adapt the M+ loot idea of a chest at the end of completing a dungeon with the loot pool from all the boss kills (using Heroic loot rules).
There are also times that you get into a group that is not “up to snuff” for the content. You have the right to leave that group. You should not be held prisoner to carry a group for fear of a ban. There is also the case of “real stuff happens” and someone may have to urgently leave. They should not fear a ban for having a real world situation where they need to leave.
I understand your argument, but I disagree. They don’t even punish those who bail on M+ pushing high keys. Again, your complaint is for Heroics. Those are being spammed right now and re-filling a group happens quickly. I have been on both sides of this complaint and it never bothered me. I expect people to leave. It’s group finder roulette.
I wish you the best. Try not to get so frustrated. Once Season 1 starts, much of this will end as most everyone will be farming M+ and pushing keys.
Again not understanding that killing time doesnt mean I honestly care what your opinion is.
Its qued content. People literally join directly in and you continue with the dungeon.
its queued content you get what you get. Dont hold people hostage. there can be tons of reasons someone has to go. there is a button to priority requeue the group. Use it.
Don’t be an a**hole. You get what you get, hence the debuff.
what does that even mean?
You don’t get 30 minutes after you kill the first boss lol. Garbage Game design by a garbage company.