Make leaving bannable

Getting a deserter debuff for dropping after one boss isn’t enslavement, hoss.


People aren’t bad because their leavers. This is only an issue because M0 isn’t week 1 release


TBH. I think there should be a solution here. I don’t think people should be able to ruin other peoples experience with their individualistic goals in group/community content. This is a personal take of course. But when you sign up for group content, you should be there for the whole group not just yourself. If your there for yourself just go do it on your own and don’t use the other 4 people to accomplish your goals. It’s a little rude to take and not give back. I think manners should be enforced to a degree but bans may be extreme. Perhaps an algorithm designed within the system that makes it so those who don’t leave are more likely to be put with those who don’t leave. and leavers are more likely to be stuck with leavers. But prioritize queue times over this setup. This would mean you would still get leavers but the amount it happens should be in theory be reduced. provided you yourself don’t exhibit the same behavior.


Nah, people will still just leave honestly, go farm or cycle alts

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There is a solution.

They’re adding the deserter debuff being applied if you drop before the second boss of a dungeon is downed.

They’re less likely to leave. You won’t ever change some people’s incorrigible behavior, but for a good chunk, this’ll be enough of a stick with the carrot that they’ll stick around longer and most likely just stick out the whole dungeon.

Whether we like it or not, they did infact make their choice and no word has come back from it since it was posted 2 days ago, even with all the people vehemently against it.

I will admit, like others have previously stated, they could just move loot to the last boss like M+. Much better solution in the long run.


Nah you just enjoy being obtuse. Its ok

No, that’s literally the text book fallacy. Thanks for playing champ.

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The threat of a deserter buff has made it worst not better. Now everyone is leaving to get thier gear before the buff is implemented, and the buff doesn’t help anyone. People will stop doing herioc content in 2 weeks and then herioc will be 40 mins ques becuase of deserter buff. It doesn’t solve anything. Blizzard is just wasting time on stuff not relevant to the better of the game

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Depends ive seen nightmare groups in mythic where that one boss would be a 20min investment.

Great change for the real gamers out there. Let the Kiritos go play Dark Souls if they want a single player game so badly.

FF14 does not ban you for leaving duties


Empiric evidence it has actually made it worse.

I’ll wait.

We’re not talking mythic, for the most part, though.

You do know an MMO doesn’t mean you have to play with that exact person. Anyone is free to play with who ever they like, they don’t have to play with you.


I don’t think it will honestly change much, the problem was going to sort itself out in a week anyway

Still freedom remains the highest principle to strive for.

I saw the title having just put eye drops in and I thought it said “Make leveling bannable”.

I wasn’t shocked that’s the thing.


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We’ll see.

This is a long term change after all. It might not solve this specific problem of the moment, but might have a ripple effect going forward for future situations.