Make it easier to block characters who have their profile hidden

Unfortunately for them, it’s too late. It’s not a witch hunt anymore because they’ve annoyed enough people lol.

Then the links I included should help you remember then. I hope it helps you!


“Who they’re replying to”. It reminds me of the Harry Potter movies “he who shall not be named.” Can this person not be named? Or whatever they say lmfao

They don’t remember posting in an old thread or are lying about it for some reason. Who cares?

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I mean, once you’ve seen all of the printed responses, it will never surprise you. Like you copy pasting the same thing over and over and getting slightly different responses was pretty much the same as shaking a Magic 8 Ball, you’ve exhausted all the answers and just started getting repeats.


People are ridiculous


doesn’t really matter, i post in lots of threads.

i hope you have a wonderful day :slight_smile:

They’ll still deny it. They’re trying to defend themselves from trolling, harassing others, etc.


What kind of harassment?

Welcome to the internet :joy:

… jk irl is just as bad.

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It’s blatantly lying. You don’t have 40 posts or something in a thread and not remember that. They simply feign ignorance so they can keep attempting to derail threads like this.


apparently the kind where people post in support of anonymous posting, i suppose

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The forums are a special kinda something imo.

The stuff that gets reported here sometimes is comical, not worth a report.

But it does matter. I’m helping you remember things so that you don’t accidently lie in the future.

You don’t like lying do you?


Harassment is harassment, no matter what people do to do it.

Bit of a silly question to ask, don’t you think?

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Moms here to not let anyone have fun over a non issue.

i don’t think that it does, but i’m glad you do.

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I mean I’d rather not since that’s beyond the scope of what I was talking about.

This whole vibe where we have to disagree with a CC person and scrutinize their every move because they were chosen and you weren’t is silly.

You don’t think that lying matters? To most people it does, but if it doesn’t to you, well that’s your choice.


I never applied for it. I couldn’t be one bc I get too silly.

This whole conversation the last bit is funny. Is it not?

Everyone lies sometimes. A habitual liar isn’t good