Make Glyph of Elemental Mastery lower the GCD cap while the buff is active

We are barley beating BM hunter’s now. I bet if a few more people play frost mage they will overtake ele as well. It’s obvious that ele t10 bonuses are unreasonably bad so fix them like you fixed feral/ret/hunter. We shouldn’t have to reroll to feel like we are contributing in our guild.



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Ele Mastery and the Tier 10 set bonus is one of the most unintuitive and frustrating interactions I’ve encountered in this game so far.

Ret Paladin and Feral Druid both got a nearly 1k DPS buff this expansion. We’re asking for something that’s roughly half that. I understand Cata is coming, but that’s still 5 months out. You better believe people are going to move on by 5 months from now if they’re not having fun playing this game.


I thought they just said “first half of 2024” which to me reads more like May-June but who knows.

In other posts folks have said “a year away!” which I think is too pessimistic.

Anyway, speaking of pessimism I would like to see a boost to ele but with Classic dev time clearly going into SOD I’m a bit skeptical wrath will get much attention for balancing for the final phase.

Once the buff starts going up I would presume the performance gap will grow proportionately, but also on the flip side it will be less relevant overall as more groups can clear regardless of comp. /shrug

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To be clear, the shrug is not because I don’t care about the performance gap (I do), but just that ultimately it’s hard to predict where this will go if there is no ele fix because it’s a community problem as much or more than a math problem.

If guilds/groups want to hold out for meta classes, it’s going to suck to be Ele. If guilds/groups accept that the content is perfectly beatable esp as the ICC buff phases in, and just take good players of any class (which is perhaps more likely if pop#s drop off into and after the Dec holidays) it might be manageable.

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If OP’s fix isn’t acceptable, can we get pet bars for our summoned elementals? I was literally killed by my own fire ele while MCed on deathwhisper. I took 7k damage from it including it just straight up melee attacking me.


I mean, you have to admit that’s pretty hilarious.

Even with a pet bar tho, you wouldn’t have control over it while MCed. But it should help with it standing around doing nothing or attacking the wrong thing, which it is prone to doing.

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Just about any thing they could do would help. This class feels like dogwater at this point. It has always been a meme… now, it is hypermeme-to-the-extreme

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I feel bad, but doing something wont make it right either. Shamans werent terrible for the first few tiers, now they are. Warriors were dog for the first few tiers now they arent. If they now start bringing classes up but kept keeping others down for so long it is massively hypocritical.

Not sure what you mean by “start” considering the buffs to feral, ret, and hunters that have already happened in WOTLK.

Were warriors neglected a bit too much? I would agree with that. But in and of itself it’s not explanatory/sufficient though given that Blizz has clearly acted elsewhere.

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it is sufficient, the whole reason warr was neglected was cause they were “fine” at some point other in the expansion. So equally so would Ele be now.

What I recall is Blizz was concerned that if they buffed warriors in phases 1-3 they’d be in the position of needing to considered nerfs in phase 4 when gearing made arpen cap viable, and sure enough fury iirc went from #11 in week 1 of phase 4 to #7 currently.

Unless I’m misremembering, I don’t think Elemental has ever cracked the top 12. So “fine” is also a bit eye of the beholder.

But again, Warrior as a comparison, while one data point, is not the whole picture. Surv was top 8 at some point in both p1 and p2 and still ultimately got a significant buff for p4 nonetheless.

As many of us noted at the time, Blizz opened this door even if it’s still somewhat unclear what exactly triggers them to decide one spec/class deserves a buff and another doesn’t.

To be clear, I don’t expect Blizz WILL do anything, and I think warriors had a legit complaint. But I disagree with you on the question of whether Blizz should address Ele now given the overall pattern of how they’ve approached WotLK, or whether warriors alone paints a whole picture.

The situation of warrior (wait for p4!) is notably different than elemental (not as bad as expected for 3 phases, then as bad as expected for phase 4).


Sure i might have misremember a bit where ele landed in p1- p2, but p1-p2 enha was very good, most of p1 enha and ele was further up too until bis gear. Resto shammy has been playable as well, far more than prot warr as an example, so overall warrior has not been better off than shaman as a spec is my argument.

Yes i dont think hunter buff was justified either.

I agree if they want to start removing all buffs, removing all nerfs or starts buffing warr and address shamans as well etc. IDC that warr is fine now, they suffered for 3 phases so a 10% buff now would be over the top but so what, we should have had it 6 months ago.

So yeah those are the stances i take, fair equal treament all around the board for all classes.

in terms of ele maybe sure, but enha no, enha was godtier in p1, p2 it was still very good, p3 it was middle and now it is falling off. Warr was dog until p3 and had reasons to be buffed that was legit enough to the point they even addressed it, but with (you scale lol so, just suffer it out). By that logic people that suffer now just have to go with it.

I think with a pet bar it would at least stay on the initial target it’s told to attack (the boss) instead of randomly switching to a new target (me)


BUMP! help us please


Aoe taunt circle of healing DO SOMETHING

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Everyone cheered when the GCD cap was raised for mages in TBC from 0.75s to 1.0s so not a chance you’ll get my support now

This is what the DPS rankings looked like in the tier after that change:

There is zero chance I’d be making this suggestion if Ele was in the position that Arcane Mage was in.

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you’re referring to the phase when the most OP set bonus in WoW history was introduced. Shocker, there was a dps spike… that quickly faded within a single phase.

Falling on deaf ears. Karma is a b

Ele Shamans were terrible all throughout Naxx; they were halfway decent during Ulduar; they did pretty well in TOGC since there was limited movement and multiple targets on every single fight. They’re just really bad now. Shall I list the reasons?
-Searing totem range is basically half that of Lightning Bolt
-FET, which is 20% of our damage, dies on a regular basis
-Basically the only global we have during movement is frost shock, which is basically half the range of lightning bolt
-we need to be in melee in order to aoe effectively; we have no defensive cooldowns while also being in melee range
-in order to get into melee range, we need to walk; no movement cooldowns
-our 2pc bonus encourages that we use it as often as possible; it adds less than 100dps under ideal circumstances

Classes that complained loudly received buffs. We need to be loud.