Make glad more attainable

no such thing as a hunter trying hard.

Good talk. Thanks man.

why not just do 2’s?

Maybe he doesn’t like 2s or the goal he wants isn’t in 2s

is there separate rewards for game modes? Other than achievements? my only goal is the 1800 mog, even the gladiator stuff looks horrible this season.

Maybe he wanted Legend from rss or glad from 3s.
Can’t agree with you on the Glad drake. Think It looks really good.

I been doing 1800 mogs on every toon I wanted. Think I’ll do shaman/dk next. Got every other 1 I want.

what you que? solo, 2’s,3’s?

2s and been doing some 3s. Just grabbing boxes for alts now

the hardest part of getting glad is knowing 2 people who are likeminded

all my friends quit and im too scared to interact with new people so im forever shuffle duelist and saying “ill get glad next season for sure”

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Hey, I said it in the other thread but since this is the post I offended you on. Just wanted to say srry. Didn’t mean to upset you with that comment. Hunters been frustrating me in pvp. Pew pew dead. I wasnt trying to say you urself didnt achieve anything. I understand that came off the wrong way. I have to stick to hunters alot on pvp but that burst dmg is rough.

Most glad does is give a weapon cosmetic, and a mount. I don’t mount chase too often unless its something I’m DYING to have. So I personally don’t really care if they make it easier to obtain or not. I’m pretty happy with just aiming as high as I can get and see where I land. Alt hoping wont help too much for me though.

On the website Data for Azeroth it shows that 0.045%ish of accounts have currently unlocked the Draconic Drake, where as 0.068% of accounts have unlocked the Eternal Soul Eater. The Unchained Soul Eater sits at 0.56% of accounts.

Are you suggesting that in 2 weeks we’ll have 10x the amount of gladiators, or am I missing something?


The gatekeeping in this thread is hilarious. Some WoW PvPers will really refuse to expand rewards and clutch into their pixels despite participation going down and down and down and hurting everyone including themselves because the game gets worse, less active, etc

Gotta make friends in the social mmo game!

This site is all slow and bad to update.

Verdant had like 50% reduced numbers until a month after the season.

I’m saying that it’s free, though

How is that gatekeeping

Guess that makes sense. Do you know of any sites that are more up to date?

That give immediate accurate readings? Nah. Will have the numbers a few weeks after the season ends.

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