Make glad more attainable

I’ve been playing a mediocre comp pres/ww/x since the start of the xpac with someone completely new to the game, and since the first season we’ve been stuck around 2k-2.3k despite her getting really, really good. That’s silly.

I don’t know how to quantify ‘participation is declining faster than a new person can improve’ but it’s a huge dampener on motivation to practice and is going to progressively lead to self reinforcing participation decline.

Juice 3s mmr by 200 points, let new folks get glad as easily as they could have historically.

Every team we face at 2-2.3 mmr is of people who have gotten glad before many times. It’s just not fun.


Haven’t you made this thread before?


There are like 1500 people over 2400 rn

I had a goal last season. And I busted my nads to get it. At no point did I sit there and say to myself, “I wish Blizzard would move the goal post closer to me to make this easier”.

Instead, I worked at it and tried harder. Admittedly, there was times that it was downright unfun. However, I’m glad I worked at it rather than making excuses for my lack of ability or consistency.

I’m not trying to be ignorant. But perhaps your friend isn’t as good as you hoped and needs more time before hitting their ultimate goal.

Lowering the thresh hold for them to receive said goal is asinine and undermining of the spirit of competition.


Yeah, of course my friend isn’t ‘that good’ or our ceiling would be higher than 2.35 mmr.

My point is she has gotten better over 3 seasons considerably without getting any closer to glad, which is bonkers, and incredibly demotivating.

That’s life. There’s people that dedicate their entire existence to something, and still can’t achieve the level they had hope for initially. Whether it be a video game or a sport, it’s all relative. Sometimes it’s just the way it is.


I think we are talking past each other.
If she was as good in season 1, 2, or 3 as she is now, she would have very likely gotten glad.

The issue is people are quitting the game / the proportion of lower mmr alts on the ladder is increasing faster than inflation.

And this can only be fixed by more inflation, or you get a cycle of more and more people quitting.

Glad should be a reward for passing a certain somewhat stable level of skill, not for being the top X% completely disregarding the composition of the denominator.

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Yeah, I have mixed feelings with Blizzard tinkering with MMR in order to provide a larger group for rewards. It leads to too many other issues. False sense of skill level, expectations that’s Blizzard will tinker with MMR in the future and devaluing of the reward structure.

Edit- I think Blizzard needs to add more rewards for every 100 rating and a seasonal reward track. This may help alleviate some of the feelings of dread associated with rating stagnation.

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So, you’re trying to carry your female friend and it isn’t working out. No need to make it easier to get, Just keep helping her get better and it will happen.
Sounds like you/team is tired of working towards a goal and just want a handout now.

This posts reeks so badly of gen z “everyone should get a trophy” that the neighbors called the cops about the smell.

I think a huge part of this is that wow is also NOT a 2 person game; 3s involves synergy between a TEAM of people. Have you guys tried getting a consistent third?

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It’s gonna be like to 8-10% this season

We Unchained 2.0 queue up

Went up by 3 since posting

This is going up by like 50 a day

Still no 2 week notice so this’ll by far be the easiest glad of df q up


dont say that because i only have an unchained glad, and im on track to get glad this szn too.

if im known as the guy who only got 2 free glads and gets r1 brew titles i dont know what i’ll do


you’ll wear your Draconic R1 title and ride on that Draconic purple drake proud af

let your hair down king


Could’ve had the trifecta with corrupted :dracthyr_love_animated:


big time facts

So you do know that’s not how it works right?

I’m just as good as I was in Legion, and I play worse than I did back then.

Everyone improves over time, and if you don’t keep up with the pace then you fall back.

You are playing at a time where it’s the easiest to get glad. You just need to get to a threshold and break 50 wins, even if you cheese them. Back in the day you had to end the season within the top 0.5% of the ladder which for context, meant around 800-1k people period.

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Yeah, “make rewards consistent” always reads as “every glad should be unchained”.

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Just reads to me like “I don’t know how to get better so therefore it needs to be easier” bait.

Doesn’t really make sense to me because I just full send every game and don’t care, yet I’ll still end up with it. You don’t need to be disciplined to get glad comparatively to r1. You just need reps of doing dam.

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