Make gear universal: for pvp and pve

Season 7 of original Wrath of the Lich King it was that way too where the PvErs were stomping lots of the PvPers in the arenas and into much of S8 as well. My sham had trink from ICC back then. Sham still has Deaths Choice that it used in original Wrath arenas.

It still exists. But it is just called PvP gear by Blizz. it is not the real stuff. No resil on it. True PvP gear has resilience. My pally has lots of it equipped for current season. All gear should be usable everywhere. And bring back resil so that way we donā€™t get PvErs in full raid gear smashing PvPers open world. So can use it everywhere but doesnt mean t is effective everywhere. PvE Trinks are almost always better than the PvP ones.
And having resil back would mean that having a super powered PvE weapon in PvP would not be as effecitve cuz those weps gave lots of resil when they were PvP weps so having a PvP wep, less burst damage but more resil and most had no procs so just good sustained.

If you have your PvP gear equipped and enter PvP combat in the open world the PvP ilvl kicks in.

PvP Resilience is never going to come back.

Also half the time stomping someone in World PvP is getting the drop on them and taking them by surprise.

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PvEers whined they might have to partake in PvP. Then PvEers whined it wasnā€™t fair PvPers could raid and get good gear. I normally try to take a middle ground on these topics, but this one is all on PvEers, I never heard PvPers who had to PvE for BiS pieces whine even a fraction as much. I for one donā€™t have a problem with the ā€œwrongā€ gear being usable even if BiS is from the proper content. Itā€™s another thing that was sacrificed for ā€œmuh balanceā€ and ā€œmuh fairnessā€

Blatantly untrue. Both sides hated it and cried equally. PvE just sounded louder as thereā€™s lots more of them.

To be fair, this is a video gameā€¦ For funā€¦ Being forced to do content you donā€™t enjoy is a stupid methodology and a sure fire way to get people to quit.


Problem is, because of the Vault, Raiders will feel compelled to do PvP and PvP player feel compelled to do Raids and M+ to get the best gear for what they really want to do.

This isnā€™t true anymore. The Vault no longer has PvP vault slots.

Unless your getting Myth gear, PvE is worthless as honor gear is equivalent to 6/6 Hero track gear. And even then you need the Versatility stat.

PvEā€™ers may do PvP for the first week or two for 1 to 2 pieces of Champion conquest gear at the start of the season but thats it.

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Absolutely PvP gear: Itā€™ll start scaling as soon as you initiate PvP combat, or venture into a PvP WQ zone.

It ends up being great even if your intent is purely PvE because, well, full suite of 639s as long as you tap an enemy player or go into one of those zones.

(That also means be careful if your intent is to gank players: First glance 4.5 mil HP seems like easy pickings but thatā€™ll shoot up to 7.5 mil and suddenly that easy gank is a lot more threatening.)

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You clearly skipped BFA essences and corruptions then. The QQ from PvPers drowned the forums, especially for the latter because there was absolutely no way to get/use them besides grinding Horrific Visions.

This got even worse in Shadowlands with PvPers being forced into Torghast for ash and cinders for their BiS legendaries.

To expand on this, the legends of Warriors getting Shadowmourne in WotLK and just obliterating entire BGs. By themselves.

It was more terrifying than the Lich King himself.

PvPers didnā€™t even wear PvP gear in BFA, M+ gear and raiding gear was better in basically every way. It was a pretty awful expansion for PvPers. I think the whining in SL s1 from PvErs having to buy boosts for PvP gear that was mythic ilvl was probably as loud as PvPers having to do Torghast, except guess which one was changed mid s1 and which one lasted the entire expansion?

You have not read my post or you just read what you mind imagined I wrote.

There is no point making the gear of PVE or PVP overpowered but EQUAL.

read it again, EQUAL. same stat, same ilvl, but different ways to get it.

This way, people can do both pvp or pve and not feel the need to farm one or the other. they can also farm both for extra chances of gear.

What on earth are people seing wrong in this, it defies logic.

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I did quit the game for BFA, SL, and the first half of DF, so I stand corrected. But for TBC > Legion PvEers whined way WAY more if they had to PvP than the other way around. I saw PvPers join raid groups for trinkets all the time, but there was a collective meltdown when PvEers had to enter a random BG for the children week achieve, let alone anything else. Really the only time I remember PvPer meltdowns before that was when it came to legendaries since legendary weapons were always still BiS in arena and they werenā€™t something you could casually join a raid for like a trinket drop.

Unless they let BG gear also work in PvE. Then it goes back the other way. More options = more fun.

I can assure PvPers want raiders, they are usually easier to kill and PvP needs all the players it can get anyway.

You mean like raiders mass grinding mythic+ to gear for raids since raid gearing is pathetic in both drops and crests?

Balance issues aside, this could only work if you are only allowed to do one OR the other. Both pve and pvp gear are time-gated. If you can do both, you double the rate of gear acquisition, and thus content obsolescence. Or at least you force people at the top end to do both to gear up fast. Thereā€™s no way a competitive raider or pvper is going to sit by and ignore the other half of the game when their gear suffers greatly because of it.