why not make all gear useful for pvp and pve.
gear would have stats for pvp (resilience / more stam) and pve stats.
In pvp, only pvp stats are active, in pve, only pve stats are active.
What would this do?
Need some targetted gear: check pvp. more pve players playing pvp for some extra gear.
pvp player want to try some pve and get some goodies: all the pvp gear is good also for pve.
This split pvp/pve with talent not available in pve does not make sense for an mmo. we should have access to everything. gear should just be gear.
PS: just to be extra clear. I am not advocating for pvp players to have to go pve or vice versa. I am advocating for best gear to drop everywhere. if you want just pvp, you get full bis with pvp. want to do pve. you get great gear from pve that can be used for pvp etc. That way there isnt that all between the two and one has one extra avenue to get useful gear. and no, pve players doing pvp is not bad for the game, far from it.
Because PvPers don’t want Raiders in their PvP and Raiders don’t want to PvP for gear.
It was like this for a very long time. Both PvEers and PvPers complained that they were “forced” to do the other type of content to gear up.
That same attitude is what got pvp resilience gear nerfed because Blizzard felt that pvp/pve didn’t need both sets of gear back in 2012- 13. In which alot of my friends quit WoW because of that argument. I got suspended for two weeks because of that garbage that happen tp pvp players. I will not go through that again.
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Very few rpg elements remain within the game. Don’t need to kill off yet another one.
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BfA was the expansion where the the team with the best PvE gear was going to win.
We tried that and it still didn’t work
But the thing is… PvPers typically don’t mind doing PvE content when they need to or want to. But you can never make strict PvE-ers only want to do PvP content. Some people really don’t like PvP and really, I don’t want them in my matches if they’re just going to throw so they can get gear. Let the PvPers have their space.
I am ok with separate gear but it’s all very unwieldy for someone just starting out pvping. I am just getting my forged conquest weaps and sitting on conquest gear points until the end of the season. It’s a little overwhelming.
Sorry if I’ve been on your team this season in pve gear, I still play my heart out!
Because that would be a terrible idea.
Even when PvP gear existed there were still PVE items people wore like trinkets and weapons.
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It was different once.
It’s not because of players.
In reality it just means farming two sets instead of one.
Ugh I wish pvp gear was useful in pve again
Being duelist, elite, glad, etc, and getting considerably better gear from 10s feels so silly
As someone who does both pvp and pve, I appreciate the diversity of stats pve gear can offer in pvp. I just wish there was more opportunity for it. Currently I am going +10s, and have a shot at meaningful gear for pvp once a week.
In DF, I felt the legendary axe’s power could have been buffed a little more considering how painful it could be to get. I say this having played a healer that could not use said axe… Other items, such as the ilvl 535 cloak were appreciated for the fact that it dropped the stamina stat entirely in favor of giving the player a little more primary stat with an equip effect on the side.
Imo, at the end of the day, much of the issue stems from the player base, and an unwillingness to learn and adapt. The idea that someone COULD have different gear in pvp is somehow an unacceptable “advantage” (lol).
PVPer here.
No we want as many people as possible.
Because you should have to participate in the content you want to be strong in before you’re strong at it, not just start off incredibly strong at it.
Reality is we need PvP gear templates and force actual equality in PvP not just let geared players slaughter non-geared. Let skill shine through, not item level.
That’s fair, the “wolves” want as many “sheep” as possible to serve as content, but those of us who hate PvP have better things to do.
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We don’t like carebears in pvp going sigh! the whole time. Which is fair. As raider or deathers going sigh! was understandable…as us pvp focused folks were in raid.
Some in pvp dont live for raid. Sooner we get the weapon, sooner we are out of those runs. Promise, and we’d keep to it really.
I would be perfectly fine with this kind of system. Unfortunately you’ll always have those who want to gate people behind gear requirements so it will probably never happen. For blizz, they’ll put whatever they can in place to try to make people have to play longer, so they like multiple gear grinds too.
I would be in favor of one type of gear that could be achieved by either source and then used in either source. Then you would essentially get the same type of gear but from more options.