Make gear universal: for pvp and pve

They did this a while ago. Made it absolutely terrible to PvP. For PvE, you have to go back to TBC when the earliest PvE gear to get into Heroic Dungeons was the PvP gear from the reputation vendors.

So this is largely unwanted by PvE players, and it is HATED by PvP players.

So the gear that you have, is the gear that you have. If you want PvP gear, get PvP gear. If you want PvE gear, you get PvE gear. Ain’t more complicated than that.


This would definitely make PvP a lot more palatable for people who know they’re going in on a level playing field.

The dissenting opinion I’ve seen in the past to this idea has been along the lines of “but then where’s the RPG/progression?” If everyone’s gear is perfectly normalized in PvP, all that’s left to reward folks with are cosmetics - right?

What you don’t want is PvE trinkets or cantrip items being good in PvP.

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The biggest issue with this is you have players doing content they actively dont want to do, just for a piece of gear.

It is detrimental to everyone involved to encourage PVE only players into random BGs for a Trinket, or to target a piece of gear (also a factor, PVP gear is a lot easier to target acquire a specific slot)

We could make sure X piece isn’t strong in PVE but then we’ve basically become full circle, and may as well have the divide.

Not enough WQ that award pvp gear. 2 WQ per day that reward pvp gear or bloody tokens is too little. grinding random bg for pvp gear is what discourage players from pvp because the maps are old


Some in pvp ride out gear advantage, but then say well git gud. Even in the old days, git gud is only legit to certain point.

Like in tbcc/wrath when they allowed xp off to run with xp on players. A level 52 in best gear dungeon/crafting they can access can get is not getting good against a 60 naxx twink.

unless the dude was just really really really bad, you will die to corrupted ashbringer every time. and the other 60 raid gear. and that was the 51 to 60 bracket.

More level pvp removes that. I found in 15th KAV when they had this…pvp was actually fun. the only edge a 119 had on a 61? the more full cast bar from being 119. Everything else normalized.

Some really don’t want the reality check that gives. It happens in pvp games like eve often. For some stuff you will meet the equaled gear player quite oftern. All gear is buyable there. You both bought the same setup basically. As eve pvp has fotm too. all games do.

Now…its time to see who actually uses it better. Gears is basically constant…now you can actually focus on what you need to git gud at.


I was in a Battle for Gilneas bg this week where a bm hunter was afk with his pets and was impossible to take down until a bunch of high dps attacked him and took him out. (Usual disclaimer here about being pvp noob).

The flip side being that pvp gear is not that hard to get at various levels so if I wanted to be OP and afk I could too. But I guess kudos to him fot being geared properly with the right embellishments. from what I see most pvpers make an effort no matter their gear.

Great idea OP. It hasn’t happened yet Because Blizzard doesn’t want us to have fun. They want us to have to play their game for longer.

Blizzard has done that in the past. There are bunch of players that think some unforeseen hand out there is forcing them to do content against their will for the sake of progression .

Blizzard has been playing around this thin line alot. So it might happen again

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Yet they have to M+ for every possible chance at gear. Not that I disagree with what you’re saying. I don’t want to raid or PvP for gear either.

It’s a good thing PvP has its own gear. The two modes should’ve been separate from the getgo. If anything, the problem now is PvP lacking dev attention. Or worse, players just not playing it for whatever reason.

Quoting for exposure. Please do go try PvP. I hear it’s a nightmare of balance but a surefire way to make it better is if we stop treating it like an after thought.

Fine, I’ll go PvP >.>

Because if you’re able to get top-tier PvE gear from doing top-tier PvP content, that isn’t “fair” to the PvE folks, and vice versa. PvP and PvE are really two completely different game modes that shouldn’t be interchangeable in terms of tangible character progress. Turning on and off stats isn’t the problem. It’s that a glad shouldn’t be able to walk into a mythic raid with full 636 gear without having done a ton of PvE content to get to that point.

You don’t want Shadowmourne or Prydaz in your PvP.

This is made even more confusing because you can Catalyst PvP gear into tier, and still get the PvP Ilvl bonus. I’m doing that for my alt who can actually make use of the Vers, and a flat 7k-8k Intellect boost every minute lines up perfectly for burst windows so PvP gear is used for both kinds of content.

I’m not planning on maxing them out so 619 ilvl gear is more than sufficient for alts to do just about anything I want.

I’ve been of the opinion that PvP gear should just flat out be removed and everyone have the same baseline stats going in for a while: You can’t really customize PvP gear, and everyone ends up in full Conq gear anyway so it’d be the same thing except skipping the gear grind and eating up a huge part of your inventory lugging two full sets around.

Just seems like a hurdle that also gets in the way of people wanting to casually PvP, because you only get Conquest if you win and it turns out there’s a lot of sweat in even ‘casual’ BGs purely because of that fact.

I would say just bite the bullet and finally completely sever PvE and PvP within the game. Basically, PvP becomes its own mode a la Plunderstorm. Balance it on its own, separate trees, unique PvP-only cosmetics, etc. No crossover collectibles.

Thats a really weird interpretation of someone wanting more people to play with.

yeah…it’s very messy right now.

Gear is already universal in PvP. I am like 99.9% sure I can go into a random BG and my gear is still going to be there and functional. The PvP pieces may have more optimal stats that if I played seriously would care about, but I’m pretty sure I’d be perfectly functional.

And I absolutely DO NOT want some PvP schlub in my keys. Or rather, I wouldn’t mind so much because you can be reasonably assured they’d hit their CC, interrupt, and defensive buttons pretty reliably but every dang pillar would be like watching a dog chase their tail…

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PvErs want more people to play with. PvPers want people to play against.

Do you? I remember the PvP essences being really good for PvE back in BfA. I also remember the PvP players constantly raging at the PvE players for ruining their games.

You need to have people on your team for pvp. Pvp is not a free for all.

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