WE NEED MORE POWER!!! Give us first blood baseline with felblade!
Daily reminder of First blood baseline and for bloodlet to replace it
Hi it’s me again make First Blood Baseline
Just to reiterate on mine and others previous points… Make First Blood Baseline
Just make First Blood basline
Agreed. Make the damage component of first blood baseline, reduce the resource cost a little bit, but not like first blood to make us happy, but mad, and build the resource cost reduction of revolving blades into blade dance. Then give us bloodlet.
This way we get first blood damage, we are also pissed because it’s more expensive resource wise, AND you can say you gave us an azerite trait and an oldie from legion.
Given that Shadowlands is delayed, this could take… 3 hours to implement without having to think of new ideas.
Is First Blood baseline yet? Asking for a friend
What is the point of blade dance in the demon hunter toolkit?
With the dancing with fate conduit (our only interesting conduit), we obviously want to use it on cd dumping as much fury as possible, so single target or cleave makes no difference, we want blade dance applying essence break.
This begs the question… is it an interesting choice for a player to make having sustained dps from blade dance (and a lower resource cost) or lowering eyebeam cooldown to have more burst… I mean assuming they get the numbers right we then look at lengendarys chaos theory vs inner demons… again lowering cd on eye beam (and allowing more chaos strikes) vs passive damage proc.
I mean there are soo many ways they could choose to address this, by giving us more interesting conduits is probably a start.
I added making First Blood baseline to my Christmas wish list. Replacing it with Bloodlet would be awesome too.
Please and thanks Blizzard!
First Blood Baseline and replace with Bloodlet.
at this time and knowing they were not able to release the expansion on time, as much they have say we listen to the feedback, THEY don’t!
Let me paint you an picture…
I think its a matter of we are all diners in a restaurant and there is a fire in the kitchen they are trying to put out. The waiter comes out to ask us about the food and our feedback is to keep telling them its too hot in the restaurant, they know its hot they are working putting out the fire but its a big fire and right now the waiter needs to know if he got the order right because once the fire is out they will be working on the mains and stop serving starters.
Thats how I picture beta feedback, these guys all play the same game as us, sometimes there are problems that are being dealt with behind the scenes or worked on/iterated on at a later point.
Sometimes they simply just wont make what isn’t on the menu, they can still spice the food to our taste but it wont be exactly what we want.
Mega calm clientele.
Nibbling at their appetizers while there’s a fire in the kitchen. Dads tell jokes to waiters while Denise the waitress screams with panic in the back
Blizz, address the First blood talent tier. Either give is FB baseline or redesign something about the talent tree or the DH in general.
I don’t see a word about tweaking talents, class abilities, or class design. There are so many issues that need to be addressed with class design across the board and not a word from blizzard! I hope I’m wrong or there’s another blue post coming, frankly, this is pathetic.
They just removed the damage portion from Hunter’s Mark, so they finally listened to all the hunter complaints. There is some small hope.
Make First Blood Baseline
Bump…Blizzard please for the love of god look at first blood, its currently a non-choice