Once again, make First Blood base line, I’ll bump this everyday
Make first blood baseline and replace with bloodlet and I will play my DH again.
I do wanna make a clarification though.
Yes, I want first blood baseline.
But a lot of people say “first blood baseline, replace with bloodlet”.
Just to kinda remind people of what this would mean:
Bloodlet would be ignored.
Cycle of hatred would undoubtedly be the talent that’s chosen. That, or essence break.
The reason bloodlet was so good was because of snapshotting from momentum. Food for thought
Here’s an idea I saw on the forums that makes a lot more sense, as it would give havoc a different rotation depending on if you’re doing aoe or single target.
Make both First Blood AND Glaive Tempest baseline . Tune Glaive Tempest to solely be an AoE spell. That way we get to use Blade Dance in Single Target and in AoE we add Glaive Tempest. Perhaps add in a passive that makes hitting more than 3 targets with Blade Dance lower the CD on Glaive Tempest to make Blade Dance still have high priority in AoE and help fill the gaps in our AoE damage output.
Then, replace the two talents. Replace First blood with Bloodlet like people have been suggesting and replace Glaive Tempest with Fel Barrage as it doesn’t belong on the final row in it’s current form, it can’t compete. Replace Fel Barrage with a new talent or just put Chaos Blades there, possibly redesigned.
It would add talent support for a momentum build and would be used in combination with the fel bombardment legendary. It would most certainly be used then.
With that I agree, buuut with the notion that momentum then still needs a rework.
A lot of people seem to miss bloodlet but forget the context (momentum).
Bloodlet’s great, but momentum was the reason why. If momentum isn’t boosted, you aren’t taking bloodlet. You’re taking cycle.
I just think a lot of people who say “replace first blood with bloodlet” don’t realize that supports momentum much more than it supports demonic
Momentum snapshotting would still exist though, it is 15% vs 20% in the past but it is still there since bloodlet was based on the initial glaives throw damage. And yes that’s exactly what a lot of people want, a build that supports momentum or niche use for pvp. People understand this.
This is even better though, we have a massive glaive throw steroid with fel bombardment which would apply a massive bleed effect. It would be an amazingly fun synergy to support momentum while demonic players could take the simple talent of cycle or a more complex pooling talent of Essence Break.
You sure? I’m not, haha. I think the greater population of DH’s loathe momentum. I mean, it’s just an option of course.
I’m just reminding people that, if you’re a “demonic or bust” player, you are 100% never going to talent into bloodlet. You’re gonna talent into cycle of hatred
It is a love or hate thing and yea it is split but it is not everyone who hates it. I want demonic players to have talents to support their playstyle and many others, including myself, want to also have talent support for momentum like with bloodlet. Even outside of momentum bloodlet is still useful in pvp.
The goal is to support more play styles with the addition of bloodlet, not hamfist more things into demonic which is pretty solved with making first blood baseline.
In PvP people may opt to take Bloodlet instead of Cycle of Hatred, since Eye Beam is interruptible. I know when I’m not playing my DH, I interrupt that Eye Beam ASAP. Depending on the scaling of Bloodlet, it could be used often in PvP - reliable damage is a no brainer in many scenarios.
I’m not too sure on how much can be done within the now extended release date. Making first blood baseline and replacing it with bloodlet is an easy community agreed fix. However, I would like to see more, much more, but it’s unlikely. We can hope!
Having no slow and thus taking Master of the Glaive just feels SOOOO much better in PvP. Its only 1 more talent option that just bakes in more passive damage at that point with Bloodlet.
I almost lost hope for Shadow Priest as we didn’t get the announced rework till beginning of August (2 months ago). If Shadowlands gets delays till lets say… December or even near end of December… that’s 3 months. A lot can happen in that time pending what they prioritize. So who knows…
The only X Factor is prepatch…
IF changes do happen, it will mean the prepatch changes for all the classes might get changed again before SL launch. Not sure how awkward that will be for a spec that gets massive changes. Though, we have been surprised multiple times already so again… who knows.
People will take cycle to get into meta form more often. The concern isn’t eye beam being interruptible
We don’t need a slow. We’re havoc DH’s. Losing fel eruption for a slow feels terrible, but to each his own I suppose
Woah woah woah. That’s a lot of words y’all are using to say make First Blood baseline.
I have a meme: that one day, First Blood will be baseline!
Bumping this thread because First Blood needs to be baseline.
I very much hope DH could get a rework like Shadow and it seems many agree as well. Prepatch certainly introduces a bit of an obstacle. All this bad balancing and not so good decision making is making me very nervous…
Dh played like that in pvp in legion and it was fine. Most people ran bloodlet and master of the glaive. Personally I think it is a fine trade off.
When you are against a hunter or a mage for example, sometimes it can be difficult to have up time. Eye Beam is only a 20 yard range, half of a mage’s and less than half of an MM hunter. Bloodlet IMO is a decent choice in said scenario. Even the simple play diversity is nice. Of course these are specifically PvP scenarios. Food for thought I suppose.
Make First Blood baseline.
Bumping cause First Blood needs to be baseline