They nerfed Priests and Hunters because they were “OP”.
What gives?
Right now only an obvious handful of classes are “OP”.
It’s a stupid premise in the first place, and also a lie because they’re clearly reigning in on the “overpowered” part.
I wish they’d just leave it as-is, I thought that was kinda the point? “Let them have fun with the runes, hands-off approach to balance?”
My first two characters were Priest and then a Hunter, so yeah.
I didn’t choose to be overpowered, but I honestly didn’t think they’d nerf us, but rather buff the other classes to be on that same power level.
I thought that was kinda the point.
I think that honestly would have been more fun.
Regardless, still disappointed in SoD balance.
I feel like it’s pushing me towards builds I don’t want to play, and that’s kinda the opposite purpose of the runes.
Lone Wolf for Hunters is trash, and petless spec would’ve been great to play since everyone hates facing the pets.
Too bad Explosive Shot was utterly destroyed before we even had a chance to try that out.
Just disappointed, gonna be hesitant and watch Phase Two from outside the game, through streamers or something, will come back if I can play the builds I want to.
It’s just too similar to Classic, and I’m just plain bored with the game rn.
I’ve had more fun and customization with my builds on AscensionWoW, TurtleWoW, and other private servers.
Not to mention those servers actually have something akin to Classic+, better than whatever SoD is trying to be, actual new towns, systems, and not just recycled Vanilla with only one brand new, ill-implemented feature.
I guess I’ve seen randoms on the internet do better than this company and I feel secondhand embarrassment for having engaged.