Make Dracthyr visage form permanent

I don’t know if you quite get what I was saying. The core WoW horde is made up of races that humans would consider monsters. It’s that shared relatable trait that helped bind them together. Conversely, WoW humans (and the races that IRL humans would consider more normal and appealing), who primarily form the core alliance, are what an orc or a troll would see as more monstrous and something that would hate them.

So a dracthyr assuming a human-like visage to hang around the horde just looks weird.

It’s for the elves, which is the majority of players.

Well yeah, I know the meta reason is because elves and humans are popular among players for dress-up, and was probably seen as a reason why transmog on the dracthyr form was sacrificed.

But I was talking about the so-called lore reasons as well as the metaphor for self-identity and expression-through-relation that visages were trying to be.

Because that is what they choose. Simple as that.

Which then begs the question that if every single playable dracthyr inexplicably identifies as a human or elf, why would they (especially the human-favored ones) want to relate to the horde, whose identity is made up of the rejection by such?

Because lore wise, they’re not part of the horde. They’re part of the dracthyr and they are just learning about the different races. They’re not officially with the alliance or the horde but sent two different ceches to both to learn more about azeroth for their people.

Majority of the dracthyr stay in the dragon isles, lore wise.

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The race seems to try to occupy a position of both, where they’re “neutral” but half of them tries to find a new home in each faction. It’s supposed to be why Azurathel and Cindrethresh like each faction. Cindrethresh especially, if we’re to trust their dialogue.

Yeah, they’re what you call diplomats and a lot of diplomats make a certain thing their home because they like it but never truly officially part of said nation.

Dracthyr are part of the lore now that there hardly is a “faction” and more of people just living in Azeroth. It is less about the horde as a faction or the alliance and more about the people.

One likes how discipline one people is, the other likes how the other people are harden people from the environment. Etc etc. you got ones liking the tinking of the goblins and gnomes and you have another not caring about any of the people and just their food.

Dracthyr are like new borns. Their visages will take the form of their father most, and neltherion and two of his sons use elfish and human visages.

I do hope they open up visages later but as right now, it makes sense lore wise.

Dracthyr form > deformed human/elf thingy. Screw visages.
Now give us the option to choose any races for that and then it might get interesting, but as it stands now, this game is already saturated with elves and humans.


You’re a nasty fox. You have zero say.

no >:( ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎


I still stand by that Dracthjyr do not fit in WoW. They don’t fit the aestethic nor the feel. But Dragonflight turned the entire game into rainbow dragon sitcom, and basically a whole different game. I like to call it WoW: Flyff edition.

Which is all well and good alliance-side, because humans and high elves are part of the norm in places like Stormwind. There’s no dissonance to want to look like one of them.

But for an orc who might have been raised in an internment camp and treated as a slave by humans, or a troll who was under constant threat of them no different than murlocs, or a forsaken who saw them form a holy crusade explicitly to exterminate them, it is really damn weird that any dracthyr, who would have the unique ability among the horde to hide what makes them seem monstrous, would choose to vibe with a faction while using that ability to look like said slavedriver/exterminator race.

That’s not even getting into the chronological weirdness regarding the fact that humans and elves in general didn’t yet exist in the setting to be used as inspiration or biological experimentation. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

What bums me out is that if you could have picked your visage from the start, there’d be no lore inconsistencies at all, and the identity metaphor would fit perfectly for both factions. But IIRC, there were technical reasons in the way due to recycling worgen programming for them.

And if there was any chance to let you pick them later in the future, I’m certain that Blizzard letting the race fight in visage form ruined that because the bean counters wouldn’t like the idea of players having an avenue for free race changes, even if it was limited to cosmetics. :frowning:

Internment camp orcs are almost all but dead. Thrall being one of the last young ones and that dude is getting old now. His son is a man now.

So that isn’t an issue. Also bronze dragon flights saw the future mortals. That is where they got their visage forms from. Dracthyr just used a visage that resembled their creator is all. It isn’t that deep.

Forsaken are just undead humans. So seeing an elf or a human form shouldn’t bother them, especially since the forsaken killed a lot of high elves when they were still humans of lorderon.

They probably will open up visage form and if that ruins race changes for other races, well that is on them to figure out.

Was this in a book somewhere? I don’t remember hearing about this.

I mean, that is literally the only logical reason why the aspects choose visages from mortals not yet created. One of them saw the future and spoke up. They be playing with their powers a lot to understand them. Nozmundo with time, and Neltherion with earth.

Supposition is not lore. Unless it’s specifically stated somewhere, there’s no reason to take that as fact. I could just as easily say that there’s no reason to base them on races that wouldn’t exist for another 10,000 years at minimum because Neltharion never created them with the intent to seal them away long enough to survive to that era.

Have you ever considered the reason it’s like this is because dragons are HUGE? Dracthyr are humanoid sized. Almost every Dracthyr you speak to is in its natural form.

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Sure, you can say that but now we aren’t using lore for story reasons and just saying it didn’t happen until it did.

I know the reason.