Make Conduit upgrades specific to loot spec?

he’s talking about upgrades not drops

I havent had a single one in 6-7 vaults.

These specific ones, but we had the same RNG conduit upgrade thing Venari in 9.0.

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More of this. Brilliant. Can’t praise this enough.


You could easily check my achievements but I have all perfect 12s, if that answers your question.

Do you not see the issue here? People that hit tier 6 before this announcement probably blew about 60k research on conduits that weren’t spec specific. My druid now has 239 conduits for all 4 specs. Had this been in place a week ago, I would have been able to have 252 conduits for all of my main spec conduits. Why is it reasonable that people just hitting exalted now get a free path to prioritize their spec specific conduits, while those that worked our asses off and actually played the game are now actively left behind?

All conduit items that were used prior to this announcement absolutely need to be refunded.


Better yet, how about I just choose which conduits I want to upgrade first?

Pretty much most of my non-demo conduits are dead picks. I only want to upgrade like 2 of them per spec.

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Anyone else not see it? It’s changing the WEEK hall of fame closes. This isn’t a coincidence. They knew. 36,000 wasted catalog research on specs I’ll never play because they want to slow down top players progress. Could have been done with this grind weeks ago. That’s enough research to fill out all 6 sockets. >.> and we’re supposed to feel good about a change that should have always been a thing.


I thought you could get a socket drop too, was I misinformed? I’ve only got the conduit thing.

World of RNGcraft … nothing like things to arbitrarily keep you playing longer.

Who knows? That’s part of the problem.

I’ve done it and gotten nothing.

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The same thing happened in the Maw.

It was originally Conduit upgrades to 213 and then they hotfixed it to 226 after I already spent my Stygia so I had to do it twice.

They won’t refund it. Just have to suck it up and rebuy the stuff again.

I’m glad this change is being made finally, but invalidating the time players spend on your systems is another issue Blizzard seems to be struggling with.

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This is awesome news, but what about people who just hit Tier 6 with the Archivist’s Codex and spent all of their Catalogued Research on conduit upgrades? I did that 3 hours before this was announced and I feel like I lost hours and hours of grinding reputation and currency to upgrade conduits I’ll never use. :confused:


Who are you and what have you done to our Blues? Just kidding, thanks for the heads up. I’m actually pretty excited with both the info and the incoming changes.

This simple post actually made me quite happy. I hope we can look forward for future announcements like this one happening around the official forums, like in the old days.

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Why not just go all the way and let us use the Soutwining Crescent/Death Bound Shard to upgrade whatever conduit we pick?

Maybe stop having layers of RNG on top of RNG?

Also, THANK YOU for communicating with us. I know this change isn’t as far as I’d like it to go, but it’s still appreciated.


It’s not nearly far enough - they need to make rep account wide for things like this; go back to making KSM account wide too. Alts keep the game fresh.

Communication? Positive changes?? I’ve nearly fainted.

In all seriousness, good change and I hope we hear more from Blizzard moving forward.

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I understand the issue. However, you start extending this logic to other parts of the game and it doesn’t make sense. Guild X beat the boss while it was too hard due to a bug, should Blizzard not fix the bug? Fixing the bug would be “unfair” to guilds who progged the boss before the fix. Should all older raid mogs be removed from the game, because it is easier to get them now? It is “unfair” that never players can just 1-shot mobs in Molten Core and they had to fight to earn that loot.

And yes, I realize there are some exceptions, but generally speaking, making the game better going forward trumps “temporal equality”.

Ideally Blizzard could determine some mechanism to refund people who spend their shards recently - Hearthstone allows you to DE stuff and gives full refund values after they make substantial changes, but I would say that regardless if they can or can’t pull that off, it is a good change and a step in the right direction.

Absolutely. This is basically the first thing we’ve heard from Blizzard roughly since the first week of 9.1. I hope they don’t go radio silent again on us so soon.

Man only what…a month or so into the patch? Oh well better late then never…