Make camping bannable

Area denial IS pvp you absolutely are saying you don’t want to pvp. Change servers and stop complaining


Definitely a debate that has gone on forever, but I think sociopaths should still have their outlets.

That is exactly why I play on a PvP server, just to piss people off and make them rage quit. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Best of luck to you.

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Wow. The comments in this thread are… unfortunately to be expected. lol, I’d be okay with changes to make open world PvP a lot less frustrating. I like the Dishonorable Kill idea.

I think PvP servers are held captive by a very vocal minority (see this thread), and once they ruin the population by doing these things, my assumption is they’ll post ‘dead game’ or doomsaying posts.

Crazy idea, but when I was on my PvP server on retail I never did any of this… and had a great time.

And if I ever saw a Rogue from Tichondrius, I knew they would be one of the players being toxic in this forum.

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These pvp arguments are akin to the British complaining the American’s weren’t fighting fair because they didn’t all line up in a line to shoot like idiots and instead used guerilla warfare.

There’s a place for people like OP, it’s called a PVE server, but we all know they’ll just as quickly gank someone opportunistically but complain when it happens to them.


Definitely wouldn’t gank someone that’s low because I’m not a coward.

My PvP experience far exceeds yours, speak for yourself about going to a PvE server.

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Yikes dude.

Yet camping is not said anywhere on that page and is specified in the page I linked. What you linked says “Blizzard’s decision” on my link “Camping will not be addressed” in other words Blizzards decision is that camping on a pvp server will not be addressed and your allowed to do it. If you don’t want other players to attack you while killing mobs play on a pve server like myself and many others chose to do for that reason.

Spirit rez. Hearth. Move to a new location in the world. PvP is survival of the fittest. If you won the first fight you wouldn’t be getting camped. Eat to 100% full every fight and don’t over pull. Go buy potions and consumes to stay healthy.

git gud nub

Go to a pve server… it happens to us all bud.

roll on a pve server and don’t do bgs. problem solved.

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Back then and even now, the best case scenario(s) in this is to let your guild know so they can defend you and reverse the camping on the attacker, log off and take a break, or find another area. It’s the whole concept of “if it’s red, it’s dead” to campers. My concept is “if they camp the low, they just blow…at PvP.”

Not on a PvP server or PvP zone… it’s totally legit and won’t ever get you banned. You have to do something else to trigger that.

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Make friends in General and move on… you can escape despite what your doom and gloom messaging is.

Sorry someone upset you.

You’re right, there’s nothing of value to be read if you think camping should be bannable. The softies have been asking for this for 19 years now. That’s why Blizz made PVE servers. I have characters on both… I camp, grief, and piss people off on PVP servers and when I want to relax a bit, I play on the PVE server. There, just solved your thread.

Oh no pvp happened on a pvp server. If only there were options where you could play where this wouldn’t happen!

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Sorry you went through that. Ask for help next time, whether in guild or general chat or wherever. Then camp them. Such are PvP servers.

I camped someone the other day halfway across Ashenvale because they 5v1’d me. Made him and his friend take rez sickness. Which is always an option to escape, so you’re never really stuck.

“Im all for pvp until they have a clear advantage.” Wpvp is all about the unexpected combat, maybe pull easier things knowing you’re getting ganked.

The one thing I will say is if you camp someone with res sickness, it should definitely be bannable since they award no honor making it pointless to camp unless your intent is to grief. But I feel like these cases are super rare. My suggestion to you if you are being camped is to spirit res and take a 15 minute break or something.