Make camping bannable

if not charged by historical context the mechanics of dehumanizing someone to try and invalidate their arguments and have other people of “like mind” to look on them with scorn are the same.

the only difference is the historical context.

call it a false equivalency if you like but dont deny the basic mechanics are the same in an online debate on a forum.

“im all for pvp but here read this list of rules I have for when PvP shouldnt occur” …


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War (pvp) has no rules.

If you don’t want to keep getting pwned, carry some consumes, keep focused, and learn to turn fights around.

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PvP server means you can be attacked in contested zones at any time. Whether you’re prepared for a fight or not

If this isn’t acceptable, then roll on a PvE server


This is one of the fundamental reasons people join PvP servers. Both to do it and the excitement of the danger of it happening in the world.

You got camped and you’re mad, that’s understandable. Take this as a learning experience and figure out what you can do to stop that from happening again.

This why I stopped playing Dead by Daylight.

Didn’t pick a fight, getting ganked when I’m attacking elites is hardly respectful.

You are lost if you’re expecting anything respectable on a pvp server. Play PVE if you dont like PVP.
PVP servers are just rogues inevitably camping low levels/escorts. You’re going to die a lot from some dude just ganking you. It’s not fun, but it’s what you signed up for.

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This was way worse back in the day. I used to camp people on my Rogue for hours until they eventually logged off.

Imagine being really excited to spend some time on your day off playing WoW, only to get absolutely wrecked over and over again. Hours spent accomplishing nothing at all.

Ah, those were the days.

Now you just ask someone in your guild to invite you to a different layer and you’re away from the griefer. Real simple.

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OP, I used to be like you. I used to complain about getting ganked. But listen to me for just a second, I’m not being facetious, I’m not trying to sound clever or insulting in any way… but you genuinely need to give PvE servers a chance. I did, and it’s so much better. PvP servers were amazing for the first six or so years of the game but it has changed, all encounters with other players in the modern age of pvp are not fun. Not to mention from a lore perspective they never made any sense at all. You can still PvP on PvE servers if you want to, but this time it’s on your terms.

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Killing someone on 10% while they are attacking an elite is the lowest form of PvP there is if you still want to call that PvP. I’m not looking for a PvE server, nor have I played on a PvE server in over 15 years.

Finally, someone that has some value to this post. I like this great idea.

If you want to play it like that, here’s the COC (


Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.

Camping is definitely detracting from someone’s enjoyment of the game, also considered griefing.

It’s only classic zoning and questing. Every single class is completely different.

I will literally PvP anyone on the server in a fair 1v1 fight. Stop twisting the narrative to make your own story people.

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They make PVE servers for people like you. 20 years later and still having to explain this…

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You clearly missed the point of this post, did you even read anything posted here?

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No, I read the first post. Did you change your mind somewhere along the way?

Nothing even needs to be read. Play on a PVE server if you do not wish to be forced to engage in PVP.

Hahahahahahaha i love these posts. Makes me want to camp even harder. Never in all of my years have i been banned for it so go and keep posting. Blizz dont care.

Pve servers are just a couple clicks away

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Lol you can’t just say, hey stop, don’t attack me I don’t want to fight you anymore because you’re better than me, on a PvP server. You can do that on pve, but if you’re not prepared to get forced to move to another zone every now and then and take the res sickness you shouldn’t roll on a PvP server.

Why are you on a pvp server if you get upset when pvp happens?


You didn’t read the whole thread with numerous comments.

Never said I didn’t want to PvP. There is a difference between griefing and PvPing which clearly you cannot comprehend.

Area denial is absolutely part of wpvp. Go to a nonpvp server if u can’t handle that simple fact. This is exactly why the spirit healer is capable of rezzing you. So you CAN continue to play the game. Just someplace else.

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