If someone kills me more than once, i think they should be perma banned tbh
Worse. Execute them in real life and their children and their family line for 50 generations.
As much as I hate it no, thats dumb. You’re playing on a PvP server. The only thing I think they should really change is the constant grief that goes on in Ratchet because the guards don’t give a crap and get easily abused by the people also doing the griefing. Beyond that imo it’s free game. You have your own tools to escape, so you should use them. Even if it frustrates you.
That’s why pve servers exist though, so you can avoid wpvp. If you get camped just go to LFG and get a layer.
PVP on a PVP server??? I’m shocked. SHOCKED I SAY!!!
Your name should have been Michaelbubles, imo. You can only play during the Christmas season, though.
Man this seething is what makes PvP servers so great lmao
I get camped (had bounties on me for a long time now) and I get the poops and leave and do something else.
It’s a PvP realm. Rolling on it and then complaining about it is about as silly as it gets.
PVe servers are the best because you can choose to participate in pvp when you want.
Big fan of RP-PvP myself cuz I kinda dig the RP aspect and the PvP adds to the immersion for me.
stay strapped or get clapped. you got caught lackin, happens to the best of us.
Put up your dukes or get pooped.
I do regret rolling horde. We’re only safe in the barrens or if I see 5 people around me. “You shouldn’t have gone to a contested zone” Dude every zone that isn’t the Barrens or sub-level 10 is contested.
they have non-pvp servers, maybe go play on a pve server?
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.
Next it will be “ban people ganking 2 or more vs 1”
Until the only world pvp that exists is an agreed upon duel?
Because that’s the only way it’s fair?
Pvp happened on a pvp server
Babies are babies
Dumb idea is dumb
Reroll pve
I like to pick and choose when I PvP, that’s why I didn’t roll on a PvP server. If you did, and didn’t expect these situations, I feel like you make bad decisions.
What about the Horde camping SFK preventing Alliance to get into the dungeon? Same anti-camping rules?
Rez further then ur body if he is stealthed u running away no way he catches u more then 1 time.
What debate? LMFAO your whole argument is predicated on false equivalency.