Agreed, if you gank someday when they just pulled a mob you should get a 1 month ban. No exceptions!
Look at all these PvE softies that should have rolled on a PvE server.
This is a complaint as old as time. These servers have 5-10 layers at any given time. Literally have any random invite you while you’re a ghost and layer out. Problem solved.
Now, go reroll on a PvE server so those of us who can stomach getting ganked can enjoy finally exacting our revenge on that guy who camped us last week.
These posts always remind me of the folks who get mad at other folks for not emoting back in fighting games.
There’s no rule in place that says you must emote to each other. You don’t have to tap gloves. It’s contested or enemy controlled territory. There will more than likely be a fight or two and it will probably be ugly, but that’s what you signed up for. If you’re unhappy, go to a PvE server.
I still think more uses of under utilized aspects of the game is a fun idea. I wanna see picklock have a meaning- make mages interrupt scrolls that unlock awesome stuff or secret chests!
It sounds like you can’t handle it, actually.
Just skimming through, but of everything I’ve read so far this is the stupidest thing I’ve seen so far. If you can’t spell the word out, it’s not ‘like’ it at all.
No one joins a PvP server expecting not to get into fights. That’s a complete strawman of what is being said. This is a thread about camping to grief and annoy people.
People queue for WSG looking for fights. When they run into a premade with 3 priests and bunch of hunters they don’t get one, they just get pug stomped. It’s not fun and so they go to the forums to say they want the system fixed so they can PvP instead of having their time wasted.
Some no lifer camping and killing you while you have no health or mana is not fighting. It’s just wasting your time. So people ask for changes so they can get actual fights instead of having their time wasted.
please without the historical context tell me how the intent and net result is not the same thing when using dehumanizing language against someone else.
ill wait.
or does it all have to do with the historical aspect of it and not the actual intent and result like i said?
Spell that word out you won’t spell out on here on the forums and a Blizzard admin will come along to help you understand since you’re too willfully ignorant to understand.
If it’s a matter of time wasting, you still have things you can do to avoid this. If it is wholly about having your time wasted, take the spirit rez guide. If you wasted 10 minutes trying to run, you could have spent 10 mins waiting for the spirit rez debuff to drop off. There’s a lot of solutions that don’t require Blizz taking hold of their hand.
the results are not the same because in one case, you can freely use a word without any type of repercussion. the other you can’t even type out.
World PvP is exactly that. It’s PvP. In the open world.
Your reply is completely silly. Again, if you don’t want to experience any of that, do not play on a PvP server and/or stay out of enemy controlled or territories where that is a possibility. If you want to go pick daisies in an unfriendly zone, roll PvE. You can still queue for BGs there, right?
like i said . aside from the historical context, the intent and net result is the same.
the fact that i cant say that word while everyone can say a word designed to dehumanize and oppress the exact same way means nothing to you ?
the intent and the net result is the same just not with the same historical context.
lmao a Warlock made this post.
It’s like Karen or MAGAt false equivalency fallacy. It is only bad because it’s being applied to them yet they attempt to suggest the gravity and depth of the terms are equitable to a term that has been used to demean and devalue the life of a whole other race.
You’re attempting what I just said above. Stop it. You’re not a philosopher. You’re not some sort of edict on the terms or valuator of what terms weigh in comparison to the other. You’re not winning an argument because of the reasoning you’ve rationalized in your mind. You just sound like an ignorant fool.
You ever think about stabbing people somewhere other than their face or are you like Florida Georgia Line and that’s just how you roll?
heh. now we go to the insults to try and bolster your position.
the only reason we arent allowed to say the n word is because of the historical context.
youre allowed to use the same dehumanizing language about people you call incels with the same disgust you would have with the person and the same exact looking down on them without any pity at all cause it doesnt have the same historical context.
lets revisit this in about 100 years and see if its the exact same intent and result or agree to it now and stop it before it becomes the oppression that the other was.
or you know, you could insult me .
It’s not an insult. It’s an observation. You wouldn’t look at someone sticking a fork in a light socket and say ‘hey that’s stupid’ in an attempt to demean their intelligence. While the act is an exhibition of the lack of intelligence, the act itself is certainly foolish.
You take that how you will.
I was trying to gank people outside of bfd last night. I failed several times. It’s the nature of the game.
again . trying to invalidate my actual point that actually has merit by calling me stupid without directly addressing the point.
got it.
whatever though do what you gotta do i guess.