Make camping bannable

Absolutely wrong.
A guildie of mine got 3 day suspension for not clarifying the loot rules on last boss of SFK… in SoD.

Brainrot take it absolutely is. You will get your items taken away from you if you lie about loot rules and then take items afterwards.

Yep this has been a rule since Classic launched in 2019.

Have people who died in PvP res with full HP and mana with a stacking +100% damage buff per attacker against the people who killed them within a radius around their corpse for 1 minute.

I bet you see a lot less people eager to corpse camp.

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None of this is gonna happen.

Keep dreaming though. You should just reroll if it makes you mad.

Lots more camping coming next phase of SoD at every flight master.


Or roll on a PvE server if you don’t like PvP. Stop trying to ruin PvP for people that actually enjoy it.


By rolling on a PvP server you are giving consent to PvP and get PvPed under all allowed circumstances.


Please see:

"If you do not wish to engage in regular PvP combat, you must create your character on a Player versus Environment (PvE) realm. On a PvE realm, you can freely choose when you want to engage in open world PvP combat by enabling or disabling your PvP flag.

If you chose to create your character on a PvP realm, Game Masters will not address situations where you are repeatedly killed by the opposite faction. This includes situations that may be considered dishonorable such as corpse camping or killing players well below your level."


Poor guy did you die in pvp, wah wah


I understand what you’re saying, but as it has always been said, PvP problems have PvP solutions. If you find no one is coming to your aid if you call for help and are constantly getting killed when you rez, take the spirit guide rez.

If it’s a matter of you being mad about wasting time because you can’t get away and know you can’t break free from their camping, just bite the bullet, waste the 10 min with the spirit rez and move on elsewhere.

PvP servers aren’t for everyone. There’s an understanding of how some things work. Good luck o7


*Voluntarily chooses pvp server

*Knows rogue is in area from previous death

*Rezzes on the same layer anyway

*Dies to rogue again

*Surprised pikachu face

Layer off or roll pve if you don’t like the wpvp… It’s not supposed to be a “fair fight”… doubly so if you’re fighting a rogue… The entire point of that class is the ability to choose when to attack, and pick the most opportune moment.

Just like it’s a hunter’s job to put mark on them from 100 yards away and stand in Cambodia while their pet solos the rogue desperately running away through Europe and Africa.


Can’t wait for phase 2. So many alliance will be getting off the Booty Bay boat at Echo Isles.


To be honest I wouldnt post anything about pvp unless they are using bots/hacks other wise your going to get trolled Hard. Such as the person saying get good which I am sure he wouldnt survive as well. But if your playing a warlock I would wait till you were almost dead as well cause warlocks can be annyoing af. lol

It’s Classic: SoD, the base of the game is Classic, same rules, same most of the things so using the “it’s not classic” as excuse for anything is kinda week…ofc it’s classic, that’s why you complain.

Pvp solution for pvp problem

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Probably because its an idiotic suggestion.


Their suggestions are the ones where you know they didn’t think about it and decided that in their infinite wisdom there would be no issues with their suggestion.

No one will ever tag a mob and then engage in PvP, thus invoking a DHK. /s :tired_face:

its only actionable if it is considered harassment which has to reach excessive amounts of killing over the course of an hour + of being killed over and over and someone following you even into other zones or killing you and then their buddies killing you at the gy…

and it wouldnt be considered harassment if you were in say ashenvale prior to the battle starting or even during the battle.

its all about being excessive and the interpetation of it .

if youre on a pvp server though , please shutter any delusions of actual fair combat between two very respectful rivals happening only.

its a free for all grab bag of random ganks and opportunistic jerks that will try and ruin your day if you let them.


Goated response.

Pvp happened. Get over it and stop letting a video game make you salty. Try a pve server.


If your corpse is getting camped and its this much of a problem for you, sounds like you need to take res sickness and move elsewhere