Make camping bannable

dont do a PvP server real talk just do PvE if you cant handle it not being rude, Its how the cookie crumbles

At what point does it become unfair play?

Asking for science.

If while fighting, your foe aggros a mob, you must lay down your arms and back away…

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Either git gud or reroll PVE.

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Agreed. Anybody who disagrees wants to hurt this game, they don’t want WoW to be succesful.

Also the very notion that a level 60 can attack and kill a level 10…unacceptable. Ridiculous. Terrible game design.


Or you could improve pvp servers…

More people would play them if griefing wasn’t tolerated.

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And your kind are the reason pvp servers fail and become one sided

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griefing is part of it tho idk how you dont understand that, its part of the player interaction just like how if im fishing and the alliance player ignores. I respect that but if I see them get to close I stealth or if a hunter tracks me kills me, Ill get my body stealth away and actually hunt him down and just body him when hes too busy farming. Thats just how PvP servers work always have, always will. Theres resurrections sickness for a reason but maybe if they didnt put such a heavy debuff and took away durability would be less people willing to take the farm

How do you define what is and isn’t “griefing” ?

You have people like OP who insist that just killing him is griefing


Ganking is part of the game, like what you described.

Griefing is when you go out of your way to ruin a particular players day. Hunting them down, camping their corpse, tagging their mobs, ect ect. And this should obviously be bannable. It’s pure sperg behavior.

Also a character shouldn’t even be able to attack a player character 10 levels below them. Letting level 60s kill level 30s is annoying and just promotes spergery.

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Most cases are clear cut. Killing someone with rez sickness. Killing someone afk or in an inn. Tagging peoples mobs, killing their quest givers.

The only one that’s not clear cut is corpse camping. Because it can be ok, but it can also be excessive and toxic.

I coprse camped the hell out of a druid today cause he tried to kill me while fishing in hillsbrad. So like before it aint for you if you feel that its toxic. Theres level to it tho I agree like players in ashenvale killing the civilian in a raid giving everyone a DHK. No one wants that

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Not letting level 60s fight lower levels opens the door for other forms of griefing. Annoying people that you can’t kill following you around dragging mobs into your AoE, tagging your quest mobs, looting chests or gathering from nodes while you fight.

It’s fine the way it is. When you get killed by a higher level you just roll your eyes and go on about your day. It only becomes an issue if they’re camping or following people around.

SoD just needs some changes to prevent persistent griefing, such as corpse camping. They could increase the radius of visibility around your corpse and the distance from it you can rez so that you can just leave after reviving. Let people who died in PvP res at full health and mana. Lots of simple solutions.

Blizzard can discover PvP servers that don’t die and become 1 faction PvE servers after a few months.

Look, your on a PVP server that’s the way it is. If you don’t like PVP, then don’t play on a PVP server. This happens to me all the time. You deal with it or move on. You also can get your guild to come help or quest in a group.

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People like him are the reason Sudafed is behind counters. Most people used it as intended a med. But hes the guy who would use it to make drugs. Ruinning a good thing.

reroll pve server, peach

I love world pvp. I suck at it cause im not a true wow player. But i cant say anything bad about it. I love the anything could happen at any time element. World pvp is the only good thing wow has. Raids and dungens are what memorzation test. If i want pve i play the vastly superior mmo final fantasy 11. I don t thou i want world pvp. So wow it is. His fault for not going to a pve server.

You’re right, it is griefing. Report them and be done with it… not that anything will actually happen to them, but there is certainly a fine line between “fun pvp” and “ruining someones day that they can’t even play”. A lot of people here will scoff and troll people for mentioning it, but griefing is a thing, and it’s certainly against the rules.

Lol ninja looting has never and will never exist. Its just a poor excuse for being stupid and runnin with people you dont know.

Explain to me what is inherently dehumanizing about calling someone an incel? Calling someone an incel is recognizing the nature in that person’s humanity and labeling it with a collectively agreed upon title. There is an entire incel community where the members identify as being incel.