op was right i just try to go do some quests in pvp zones its impossible or do u have wannabies rogues druids hunters or groups of pvpers trying to snip every single sheeep is alone questing also never attack 1v1 always when we face a mob by the time we react we already at 50 % hp small groups controling pvp zones critical to bots farming herbs and mining , i also notice bots in wsg already i think blizzard is focus on cap 2 but cap 1 already going the other way botters controlling pvp zones herb mining monopoly all over the place bots herb and mining u can see very regulary actualy sod is going the other way already sad dkps u can see more and more every week now
Git Gud son.
Camping is a valid way to play
I feel like you may not have understood the difference between a PvE and a PvE server when you created your character.
It’s an easy mistake to make, especially as a new player. You may have just picked a server based on what you thought was a cool sounding name without realizing the pros and cons of the various server types.
Based on your post, I have a strong suspicion that you would find your time more enjoyably spent if you started over and created a new character on a PvE realm, where this kind of stuff doesn’t happen (at least not very often, and almost never without your explicit consent*).
When you roll on PvP server, you are giving your open-ended consent to be engaged in PvP combat by enemy players any time you are in a contested zone or otherwise flagged for PvP. On a PvE server, your consent to engage in PvP is not constant, but must be manually given and then expires after five minutes of ending combat hostilities against another player or toggled off using the command /pvp
You can initiate your open ended consent to PvP using the same command, /pvp, and this consent won’t expire until you toggle it off.
Best of luck on choosing a new server!
*Griefing another player into enabling PvP without their consent on a PvE server is a thing that can be done, but you’ll be pleased to know that it can result in temporary suspensions to the player(s) doing the griefing.
PVP happened on a pvp server.
Reroll pve if you can’t hang.
I consider this ok, as long as you are both roughly equal level.
You gotta watch your back and you gotta bully out the enemy to secure the farm for yourself.
Sometimes you can kill mobs side by side peacefully. But most people just see red and right click.
Maybe I missed them but I don’t see posts complaining about Horde camping SFK and thats a 10 minute run for Alliance to run back
Hold that to your chest lol
people who complain about pvp on a pvp server lol… switch realms to a non pvp server then problem solved
call the cops pvp happened
Bro I just target random people and camp them all day long. Sometimes they’ll get help and sometimes they come cry on the forums.
By your argument, mobs that are 10 levels higher than you shouldn’t be able to kill you either.
The answer is, don’t play on a pvp server.
But why dont you get your friends to help kill him? This is how we get wars started boy. Dont get mad get even
Never said better
It’s pretty sad knowing there are people who are so miserable in life they will spend half an hour spawn camping someone all the way to SFK or WC.
People like the OP are why War Mode exists in retail instead of different server types. They roll on a PvP server then cry non-stop because PvP happened.
Hopefully they do about it it’s unfair
IF they should ever make that change, you think people wont gank you cause its dishonorable?
Gotta be new here…
Roll on pve. Pvp happened nothing to see
First of all War Mode aint a bad system in retail.
Second of all. pvp is only fun if it’s fair. Anyone who argues otherwise is delusional and wants WoW to be a dead game.