Make blood elves cool again

That is so weird.

I don’t necessarily think that’s the case. It’s not like an oppressive autocrat regime has never been able to cooperate with other nations with more liberal values.

I think they could’ve kept the old angle and made it work, but I’m not sure I would be confident in the wow writers to pull it off (even in TBC)

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There should be more focus on blood elf mages and rangers and less on paladins. Blood elves have kind of just increasingly become the Horde’s version of humans.

The Nightborne are better blood elves than the blood elves.


The elves that spent over thousands of years with humans act like humans? You don’t say. Like how human magi act like elves? It’s almost like they were one culturally people before the split.

Are you just trying to be as wrong as possible today or something? Silvermoon was isolated between the Troll Wars and the 2nd war. They weren’t with humans for thousands of years.

You can make that argument for the elves who lived in Dalaran, but not the ones in Silvermoon.

Maybe go read the lore or something.


Yes, the so much isolated high elves. Because they didn’t allianced up with the kingdom of Strom. Aka, humanity. Go read up lore.

Literally silver moon send magi with the humans. Silver moon learned about the light from the humans. I am done with you, you literally do not know the lore.

Arathi are literally the descendants of both ancestors from Strom and silver moon. Dalaran is a city created by high born (now high elf) and human magi. Both from Strom and silvermoon.

Their ties are so thick before the 3rd war that sunstrider was deeply in love with Jaina at the time. Dude was super jealous of Arthas.

You’re useless.

Blood elves literally only came after Arthas destroyed their sunwell when he put Kul’thuzad in the damn thing to revive him as a lich.

After that, sunstrider went all fel addiction mode and teamed up with illidan, some part went and got help from the horde because they felt humans didn’t help them enough with Arthas and many others stayed with humanity as high elves, staying in dalaran or SW.

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could you not think of the word ‘very’

also dalaran was not founded even partially by highborne, and while silvermoon* wasn’t totally isolated it categorically was not inviting to humans. imagine rageposting ‘know the lore’ right before blundering thru an erroneous rant

also, btw, where’s the evidence the void has anything to do w/ the arathi priory? you dodged the question in a different thread

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That’s the troll wars, my guy.

This is after the 2nd war.

Thanks for proving my point, dude.

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No elf should have any loyalty towards humans.

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Kill all humans. Kill all orcs as well. Only elves should rule.

All hail your new elven overlords! :rofl:

No. go away.

I’m just agreeing with you. You’re right. Elves should rule over everything and we must purge everyone else.

It certainly is an opinion, and you aren’t alone.

Personally, I like what the Blood Elves are today. Sort of like the tragic Noldor remnant from LOTR.

I wasn’t into the oppressive nature of the Blood Elven government much. Kidnapping a Naaru and beating the light out of it was a fun notion…. But I prefer that the Blood Elves just have access to the Light like anyone else.

So, I don’t have a desire to go back. I like where we are at.

There is NIGHT ELF fatigue , because of their constant sanctimony and endless tears that would rival the Well of Eternity in volume.

There is no such thing as Blood Elf fatigue. That is something the lesser races tell themselves to feel better.


maybe the Horde community should start to complain just as hard as the night elf one. Maybe then Blood elves will finally get some positive attention.

Excuse me? This is why I despise Blood Elf players right here.

blood elves are the most played race of the Horde. Yet they barley had screentime since TBC. Calling that out is the right thing to do.

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That is impossible.

I don’t think Horde voices can be as shrill or melodramatic.

And Horde Posters are generally more honest than those filthy Night Elf Forum Posting Alts. They would lie and say

“Oh the Night Elves are eliminated from the game, they don’t exist, there are only 3 survivors and two of ‘dem ugly!”

I would hate to see the Horde posters succumb to lies and delusions, like the Night Elf Forum Posting Alts.


Blood elves should of been a “warlock philosophy” race but horde cried too much about villain bat. So now you get watered down light infused version.

The burning crystals and mana sucking of them was what made them interesting. Now there is nothing else that would make them all different from the normal high elves apart from the eye color.