Make blood elves cool again

Vereesa and Umbric harmed the blood elves. Welcoming them in Quel’thalas would make zero sense.

Like the game has never ignored the numerous atrocities the horde has comitted when a world ending threat is taking place

Oh wait……

It has.

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They should be KOS.

So should the horde, but here we are Erevien. Now enough with your faction brainrot


No i will get what I want. Umbric and Vereesa are no Friends of Quel’thalas and Blizzard’s not forcing me to pretend otherwise.

I wish I could post a laughing gif right now at how absurd you sound. :dracthyr_heart:


Allowing mass murderers in Bel’ameth makes zero sense, but hey here we are.

Sure, buddy. The unsubscribe button awaits.


The Horde never was in Bel’ameth. Only Hamuul stays as ambassador. Every other NPC is night elf.

Or we finally kill Vereesa and Umbric because they are evil and deserve it.

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Sure, pal. Just remember to attend our homecoming party next expansion. Emo elves are coming home.

Void elves will never enter Quel’thalas it is blood elf home and ruled by the Horde.

I don’t think a magic addiction storyline can be done any better than it was done in Suramar. Bringing it back for a third time would just be repetitive and boring.


I’d be happy if Blood Elves could just be the Horde’s magical experts again. And if we ever saw a BE mage who wasn’t Aethas-frickin’-Sunreaver.


Bro did manan Astalor, Rommath and Hathorel dirty.

Even without the mana addiction angle, I’d love to see blood elves’ ability to mana tap stick around and be a story point whenever they’re facing enemies who use magic. That angle and the Spellbreakers are something that can stay unique to blood elves even in a crowded field of races with arcane skill.


Nah, Just wait till we go to Silvermoon and blast MCR.

I mean, aren’t they? Aren’t they the reason why orcs are learning to be magi?

I believe there’s gossip text somewhere about how orcs picked up arcane magic from the Forsaken… which is a bit stupid, since a big reason the blood elves got accepted into the Horde was their ability to provide it with a “mastery of the arcane (it had) previously been lacking.”


Well that is dumb AF the .

In-game, any time a Horde mage shows up, it’s either a Nightborne or Aethas Sunreaver.

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