Make An'she/Belore A Thing

It also referred to her as a male. Typical blizzard getting their pronouns mixed up.

General Kaal uses all three pronouns (he she and they).

I’ve taken to calling it Schrodinger’s Warcraft Queer.

Is it intentionally, discretely framing Kaal as genderqueer or is it a questing team typo?

I actually think it’d be cool if all the Stoneborn just don’t really identify with a gender as they are all literally statues brought to life.

“what’s in your pants”
“how do stoneborn have children”
“we are statues, carved and brought to life by the Stonewright”
“are you a boy stoneborn or a girl stoneborn”
“stoneborn genders are four: Warrior, assassin, small, and big”


Yeah, but see…that kind of take away from General Draven’s most provocative line in Castle Nathria. You know, the one about

The debaucheries I have witnessed…

I think we’re all still waiting to hear more about that one.


I don’t seem to recall any time Kaal is referred to as a male. Most of the time, when a female character is refered to using the male pronouns, it is more of a typo. Like what happened to Rukhmar and the mission table missions that involved her. The use of “they” is a gender neutral pronoun that can be used in different contexts, it does not always mean the person is non-binary.

For example when waiting for someone for a long time you could say, “Where are they?” instead of, “Where is he / she?”. They can also be used in a group context instead of an individual one.

The instance of Kaal as he is on the wowpedia page.

I am aware of the use of they thank you, but in some quests every pronoun for Kaal was strictly they, which I thought interesting.

My statement stands, genderfluid stoneborn is a cool concept, they are statues.

As I mentioned before, most likely a typo. There is a lot of them.

I think you are reading too much into the use of “they” in that quest text.

As I said,

Well, it is important to remember they have a concept of romance and Draven implied he and Kaal were close.

Not indicative of gender but who knows?

Update: in the process of finding an artist to make An’she art.

I’m thinking it’ll be a dude with a reflection in a pool of water.

Dude on “top” will be a Tauren-like dude but with the sun held between his horns, big and buff, with a feathered headdress and eagle wings on fire, eyes of white flame. One hand will have a hammer, one hand will have a scepter in the style of a totem pole. Fur will be black I think.

Dude on the bottom/reflection will be very much like Mueh’zala, or perhaps like a troll-human hybrid, white skin with skull paint like Bwonsamdi, with the blood moon behind him, bat wings, one hand with a bone staff and one hand with a chalice of blood, with golden jewelry all over his person.


Another An’she explicit reference I forgot about:

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This could tie the Zandalari Moonkin form to An’she in some way as the shape is based on the Sun-worshipping Arrakoa. And be connected to how the Zandalari druids cast their Sunfire and Solar Beam spells. Now I remember there was a talent called “Blessing of the Ancients” and one of the effects was “Blessing of An’she”.

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Another deity with possible ties to the sun is Balor from Irish mythology. His evil eye that burned the lands he gazed upon may symbolize drought and sun-induced crop failure.

Adding now! Both the traditional depiction as a Formorian (black skin etc) and the Hellboy version (that looks like a Blood Elf, oddly enough)

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Sapphire Skyblazer

Description: These brilliant blue birds burn brighter (and hotter) than their orange cousins, though the origin of both remains a mystery.

Source: Promotion

Fireplume Phoenix

Description: Tore a blazing sky through a wintry night did the hawk with fiery wings.

What future foretold?

What story would unfold?

When the elements take to the sky and sing.

Source: Promotion


Blizzard… Don’t mess this up!

You’re RIGHT there! An’she time!

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Haven’t you heard blizzard is busy pandering to elf market.

Bump, realized when doing research for the wowpedia page last night that one of the most common runes used by the Drust is the Yngvi rune, and that the new title for the Drust leaders is “Ingra”, which is probably based on Ingram and means Yngvi’s Raven.

Yngvi is usually held to be the same as Freyr.

And Freyr is a Sun God of Harvest.

More An’she ?

Reminds me of Il’gynoth’s whisper

The lord of ravens will turn the key.

Maybe refering to Drust being involved in shadowlands

Anyway I didn’t read a damn thing, but trying to connect every race’s lore is stupid and trying to narrow many different cultures from various planets and perspectices into “well they were all following the same god all along!” reeks.


This is true. I mean, he has tried to interconnect EVERYTHING.

But Theorycrafting is fun in it’s own right.