Make An'she/Belore A Thing

Oh absolutely. Part of the issue is that there really isn’t a lot of storylines in general about a number of races - and then even more so those races don’t get into spirituality really either.

I am hopefully not coming across as suggesting Blizzard take WoW in the direction of forcing us into a deep dive of every racial religious group. But I am a completionist sort of gamer and I only remembered passing references to Tauren deities. even though it seems significant to their society mostly we just get told that and really kinda leave it there.

Honestly I’m still trying to understand where anzu, rukhmar, and sethe are related to many things.

I guess part of it is - I like to think the Pandaria story is actually 5 celestial beings at an important moment in time … like let’s say celebrating a birthday (joking) … before going back to doing … I don’t know. Cosmic deity stuff.

Pretty sure Elune is the most fleshed out religion because Night Elves are the only race defined by their religion, so it gets added to everytime Night Elves have anything written about them.

The Light is the second most detailed because of the number of races that utilize it.

Honestly, I feel the looseness of their story is because they were never meant to be anything important beyond Outland, but when they did WoD, they had to throw something together and ended up reconning some of the old story. They did it well though.


And it was wonderful! Anzu was a highlight of WoD for me and not being able to have any interactions with Rukhmar outside of killing her was a disappointment. But I wish they had done more with Terokk rather then just have him resign himself to being a ghost.

I will never stop championing for my Raven God to pop up in Ardenweld!


“And now, here to help blow out all the candles for An’she’s 5th birthday…Zao Sunseeker!” :smiley:

And the rest is history.


And poor An’she now upset looks at Zao and is like I worked soo hard to craft those other suns, you mean panda you :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I won’t lie. I liked their story. I’m biased in thinking we need more of them, because I generally like them (which is to say, it may not be important in the overall scheme of things).

But Anzu and Rukhmar…


Also, we rescued a few “evil” Wild Gods/Primal Gods/Loas/whatevers - is Sethe just … gone? I mean, good riddance and all, but just wondering.


Hmm this is actually a great idea specially if they plan to expand the Cosmic lore…

Even if its as simple story as a Cosmic Faction equivalent to Elune… it does make the story more interesting by making the Tauren lore as relevant as to the Night Elves Elune.

I love it! Specially the Phoenixes stuff mention, cuz I love my Blood and Void elves so much!

High/Blood/Void were never much about worship and more about commanding the cosmic forces of all magic… but opening lore like this could maybe shed light on the true nature of obscure forgotten classes like Blood Mages or Rune Masters. (IMO) :thinking:


In theory there should be Rukhmar and Anzu and possibly Sethe in Ardenweald


Droman Anzu has a nice ring to it.

With the destruction of Arak and the confirmation that spirits who had their world destroyed can stay in Ardenweld through Falir it would be nice to get that happily ever after for the two, maybe even a reconciliation with Sethe as they all got along at one point.

Assuming they haven’t been sacrificed in the drought of course…


Don’t you bring that evil into this house …

How about we sacrifice the drought to save them both? Bet no one would see that reversal coming! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


You know, It occurs to me that Anzu and Rukhmar have a sort of Mu’sha and An’she dynamic.

One walks in the sun and the other in Shadow.

And there’s Sethe, who seams to be similar to Hakkar.

What if all three were created on Draenor by An’she, Mu’sha, and Hakkar?

This casts Hakkar in a new light. He could be much older then we knew.
Or he’s a creation of a third yet named First One.
What if Hakkar originated on Draenor? The Titans had no records of Hakkar, after all. This could be why.

Dark First One, I’m telling yall.

Dread Expanse actually has a really cool theory on this:

Just realized, the “Dark phoenix” that uses red/purple is never explained.

Red Phoenix = An’she as Sun
Dark Phoenix = An’she as Blood Moon


More possible An’she lore points:

This is a heavy necklace, almost a piece of armor, covered with small scarabs of stone and bronze instead of chain links. The largest scarab is carved of lapis lazuli set in gold.

In the reign of Pharaoh Tebhotep a plague of serpents struck the Vir’naal River. Nothing could drive away the reptiles. Then, a second plague appeared, this one of desert scarabs. The scarabs fought the serpents until not a one of either creature was left and peace returned to the land.


That’s interesting, where is that found?

Tol’vir archaeology solve


Oh, awesome. Thanks. I have to actually go and level my archaeology skill one day :gift_heart:


I don’t recall anything saying this about Xibala in game anyway.

Well her bones were naturally producing troll-Lich spirits (elite world quest in her eye socket) but you’re right in that the lore explanation from beta was removed last minute.