Make An'she/Belore A Thing

Everyone is assuming Elune is night elven, when it clearly isn’t. The Fyzandi worshipped her as Elune also, which is the entire point. Guess the point I’m trying to make is that the word Elune, isn’t specific to just the Night elves, at least not with the new lore added.

I’m not really sure if “night elves speak the language of the gods” is much better on a meta level than “the night elven language is the correct one” when talking about Elune’s name, though. :stuck_out_tongue:


You realize that’s worse right?

I’m amazed, like, lmao


Honest question, how is that worse?

Darnassian is a mix of titan speach and troll speach, so, they don´t speak the “pure form”, but they got told words and the former history of azeroth from elune.

My first impression of the concept is that I feel it’d only further solidify night elves as the “correct” worshipping race, because not only are they revering the only known True God (copyright heaven), but they’re also using said god’s language in their day-to-day lives.

It sounds like a more intimate spiritual relationship than what’s already in-game, if that makes any sense. Meanwhile, it makes other races sound lesser to me, because if they want to feel like they have a closer relationship, welp: better start learning Darnassian.

If, instead, Elune was merely the Darnassian word for it and she just doesn’t speak any known language and it’s just interpreted (as Zahir put forth), then everyone seems more level because that slight communication mismatch remains a constant.


And my question from this is, why does everything become a competition?

Because it’s a story centered on two factions with limited amount of time/resources available for development of either faction, let alone each specific race, let alone the eitology and metaphysics of the in-game universe, let alone how that eitology and metaphysics involves each specific race and faction lmao


Honestly I don’t know. I just want something to look forward to, I guess.

Your whole point reads like a competition… “Who get where more attention”

That´s totally fine, but, To make yourself better on the back of others, although the others are not better off, is not a solution. I was allowed to hear often enough the last few days how biased I am here, but that’s the point: to take the uniqueness of Elune from the night elves in order to give the entire horde, would simply be just as wrong.

On Azeroth:

  • Elune has ex Machina helped the Night Elves repeatedly
  • Revealed herself as Elune to the Night Elves, as Musha to the Tauren, and as presumably Lun’al to the Trolls
  • The language Elune revealed to the Night Elves is the same as the Titan language
  • Elune has thus far only given her dangerous but powerful Night Warrior powers to Night Elves

On Fyzandi:

  • Elune is also called Elune
  • Elune also gave them The Night Warrior ritual and thus power

If it had been what you said, then Fyzandi would’ve/should’ve had another word for Elune that isn’t Elune but also means “Mother Moon”.

They did not however, they got Elune, same as Night Elves. Meaning they got Titanic-words, like Elune.

What you are proposing is that Elune’s language given to both Fyzandians and Night Elves is the intergalactic, interdimensional true language of the original creators of the entire cosmic reality.

Welcome to the reality of resource and time constraints on narrative development of a multifaceted franchise?


who do you think got more resources in bfa? A hint, it does not start with A :wink: more Ressources means in no way a better story.

Non sequitor, you’re complaining about this feeling like a competition of narrative development and narrative tie-ins.

More resources and more time doesn’t mean a better story, but no resources and no time mean no story at all. Resources and time to develop the narrative in a specifc way is a prerequisite to a good story existing.

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Considering the time and effort that went into:

  1. Jaina’s return
  2. The Battle of Dazar’alor being viewed as an Alliance victory due to the death of Rastakhan
  3. The Kaldorei’s revenge at Darkshore
  4. Anduin—not Zekhan or Lor’themar or Thalyssra or Rexxar—being the one to convince Saurfang to take action against Sylvanas

Are you sure about that?


Complain? I’m just telling it like it is, the cinemas alone that were very focused on the horde cost a fortune, and took a lot of time, resources and money.

Do you really think the Alliance got more focus in BFA? These are neutral questions from me.

My argument, by the way, was: More resources=/= Better story.

Okay and? Still haven’t explained why that’s a bad thing

I’am. The time for one minute of cinemas alone, 1 MINUTE; costs $1.8 million.

And my response was

You see no problem in one of the core races of the Alliance having the intergalactic, interdimensional language of the creator pantheon of the cosmos?

Doesn’t tilt the story in any direction?


Not particularly no, I don’t see or have a problem with that